a bone infection, “I started feeling myself getting hooked on the oxycodone the doctor was giving me.” To get off the oxycodone, Donald was put on a treatment plan, including methadone. Aware that eventually, he needs to get off the methadone as well, he laughs with a positive attitude, “I know, it’s one thing after another.” But he’s on a clear path to recovery now.
with certain things, like zipping my jacket. He helps me with that, and he never says no. It doesn't seem like I'm bothering him; he doesn’t mind doing it.” Donald has suffered extreme loss, losing a father and two brothers. And then his mother: “I loved my mom to death, and I took care of her for two years with cancer, and then that was the end of my family.” And yet, he has found a new family here at New Place of Recovery… “That's really what
“For twenty-eight days clean,
they gave me a little plaque, like a certificate. Believe it or not—I'm
almost 60 years old—I’m 59—and that plaque meant a lot to me because it’s something I accomplished in my life that I hadn’t done before. I'm so proud of it; I’ve got it hanging up in my room by my bed. I guess it just gave me a reason to live—it's really helped me.” Regarding his hand
they have been to me. I can talk to anyone in the house, really anyone in the program. You feel like you're not alone anymore.”
injury, he has high praise for the house manager, Nathanial. “I call him Nate,” and they are friends. “With my hand the way it is, I have a lot of problems
Donald Cline: Current Client
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