10. Don’t use a credit card. The idea that you can’t travel without a credit card is a total myth. And using a credit card for your holiday travel actually has some major downfalls. For one, you don’t technically have to pay off that balance at the end of the month. And the credit card companies don’t really want you to, to be honest. The average credit card interest rate right now is 18.43%. Don’t risk the temptation. Next month will have its own seasonal expenses, and there’s always a (poor) excuse to charge something now and worry about it in the future—plus interest. But here’s the other side: Even if you do pay off that balance, you’re creating a bad money management system. One lump credit card payment each month means you have no idea what you’re spending on different budget categories. Pay for your expenses (all of them) with actual money you actually have. Track these expenses for accountability, and to stay on top of your budget. 11. Be flexible about timing. If you’re able to head out on a Tuesday or Wednesday, those are cheaper days to fly. Also, if you can fly or drive on Thanksgiving Day or Christmas Day, you’re looking at cheaper flights. Now Put These Holiday Travel Tips in Action! These 11 quick budget travel tips will help you save money through the holidays. And it all starts and ends with the budget.
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