APi Group Newsletter - Volume 16 Issue 1

The Davis-Ulmer Success Story By Sadie Grunau

This program has proven successful for numerous APi companies, DU included. According to Mike Shibrowski, DU Vice President, over the course of 2021, DU increased its inspection revenue by 40% with half of the growth coming from the IMA program and the other half from acquisitions over the course of the year. They had nine CISLs actively selling, and exceeded their annual inspection sales goal three months before the end of the year. “The IMA Sales Leaders are empowered to make connections and build relationships, which has resulted in strong strategic growth of our

Davis-Ulmer Fire Protection (DU), a safety services APi Group company, has done what so many companies strive to do: Over the course of the past year, they have increased their revenue, inspection sales, and employee engagement exponentially. The Buffalo branch of DU was founded in 1946 and since then has been expanding through important acquisitions, commitment to mission alignment, and various opportunities for supportive and guidance-driven leadership. A cornerstone of the success of DU over the past years has been its commitment to the Inspection Managed Account (IMA) Program. This model, initiated by Courtney Brogard, APi Group Vice President of Inspection Sales, promotes inspection sales and creates a playbook for best practices and resources available when it comes to inspection sales. Growing inspections is our number-one priority at APi Group. APi Group research has shown that for every dollar of inspection sales, companies can expect three to four dollars of service work, showing the immense power of the IMA program and its ability to increase revenue for companies like DU. Corporate Inspection Sales Leaders (CISL) are tasked with leading the IMA programs at various APi Group companies and advocate for an “intentional and disciplined approach to growing inspections,” as the program’s mission states. “The IMA program has had tremendous support from all levels of leadership. The IMA Sales Leaders are empowered to make connections and build relationships which has resulted in strong strategic growth of our inspection departments. The effort, momentum, and collaboration has been impressive to see,” Sarah O’Donnell, CISL, and Business Development Leader at DU, said.

The group has also done very well with selling multi-year inspection contracts. Shibrowski, as well as his colleague O’Donnell, attributes this

inspection departments. The effort, momentum and collaboration has been impressive to see.” — Sarah O’Donnell, Davis-Ulmer CISL and Business Development Leader

improvement largely to the IMA program, but also to the ownership and autonomy given to leaders throughout the organization. Leaders at DU are leading at all levels, highlighted within the IMA program. Shibrowski says that is what is making the difference for DU. “We have a focus on the future of trying to grow and continuously getting better each day. Underneath that, I think we have a pretty good, fun culture. There’s a lot of healthy competition,” Shibrowski said. As of June 2022, there are 15 IMAs actively selling, with five new hires this year. This year is fostering great growth for DU, allowing the IMA program as well as the culture of the company to shine through. Members of the DU family speak highly of the company’s ability to empower leaders at all levels, promote healthy competition, ensure colleagues are holding others accountable, and create a family that is committed to both personal and professional success for all its members.

Sadie Grunau is a student at the University of Minnesota studying journalism. She wrote this article as part of her internship with APi Group.


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Volume 16 Issue 1

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