Risk & Associates - November 2022

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The United States has 18 million veterans — that’s about 7% of the adult population. I can’t thank these brave men and women enough for putting their lives on the line to ensure that me and you get to keep our freedom. While it may seem like our country is divided and in constant dispute, one thing unifies us all: freedom. That’s what makes America so special. We have the freedom to acquire differences in religious beliefs, political opinions, ideologies, and values. We should never take this freedom for granted because other countries do not have the same privileges. While we can speak out against the government, have differing opinions, and voice our concerns, other countries have harsh penalties if you conduct yourself in this manner. But our liberties wouldn’t exist without the brave men and women in uniform. They’ve promised to keep us safe at all times — even if that means risking their lives. Their courage, love, and dedication to our country will never go unnoticed by me. I admire our veterans and everything they’ve done for our country. Therefore, I try to give back to them whenever I can. One of the ways I do this is by hiring veterans to work full time or part time. I understand the challenge veterans face when leaving the military and trying to adjust to the “new normal.” Finding your footing is difficult when you don’t know where to go or what to do. On top of hiring veterans, I also like to give back to my community in any way I can. Although I donate to veterans organizations, I would much rather make a personal impact on the lives of veterans and let them know how much I value them. THANK YOU FOR PROTECTING OUR FREEDOMS To Our Veterans

home and their loved ones, which can make them feel lonely and stressed. You can help them feel at home by sending a care package. Send a personalized package if you know someone stationed in another state or deployed overseas. But you can also contact your local Veterans Affairs office and ask how you can send a care package to a veteran or active service person. 2. Help homeless veterans. Today, 38,000 veterans are homeless. One way you can help is by volunteering at Stand Down programs. These events allow homeless veterans to receive health care, personal hygiene services, food, clothing, housing, employment referrals, and counseling. Donate food, clothing, and other necessities to shelters that cater to veterans. Alternatively, you can contact your local VA office for more information on how you can help. 3. Spend the day with a veteran. You can learn a lot about a person by asking about their life. So, take the time to ask a veteran about their service and why they joined the military. Learning about their lives and experiences can give you a deeper understanding and appreciation for their service. You’re also letting veterans know their voices are heard and valued. So, talk to a veteran relative or visit your local VA hospital and listen to a former soldier’s stories. Thank you, veterans and active military, for everything you do for our country. I will never be able to repay you for your bravery, but just know that you are valued and honored by many. If there is anything I can do to help you, please don’t hesitate to contact me. It would be an honor to assist you.

This Veterans Day, here are three ways you can let the veterans in your life and in your community know you’re thinking about them.

1. Send a care package to those active in the military. While a veteran is someone who has served in our armed forces, it’s important that our active military men and women are recognized as well. Many military personnel are away from

Happy Veterans Day, everyone!

-Rick E. Risk

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Where is jaywalking illegal? Although jaywalking isn’t illegal on the federal level, most jurisdictions have penalties and citations for it. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all law for jaywalking because the rules and regulations vary by state. Some states may only issue tickets if you’re causing a traffic hazard, while others may give you a fine. Be sure you know the jaywalking laws in your state. If you’re visiting other places, ensure you know their rules, so you don’t find yourself with a citation and a traffic court date — or worse, a life-changing injury. CAN YOU GET A TICKET FOR CROSSING THE ROAD?

Have you crossed the street outside of the crosswalk or designated area? Or have you been waiting for the crosswalk sign to give you the right of way and crossed when you weren’t allowed? This is known as jaywalking, and although it may sound harmless, it’s extremely dangerous and illegal in most states. Why is jaywalking a crime? The main reason jaywalking is illegal is to prevent car accidents and pedestrian deaths. More than 7,000 pedestrians were killed in 2020 because of traffic accidents. By crossing the road without having the right of way, you’re more likely to get struck by a vehicle and receive severe injuries. In addition, jaywalking can clog up traffic and increase

the chances of accidents if pedestrians or drivers aren’t paying attention.

Why do people jaywalk? There are several reasons why people decide to jaywalk. • They’re in a hurry and choose to jaywalk to reach their destination faster. • The crosswalk could be too far away or in the direction they don’t want to go, so they take a shortcut by crossing the middle of the street.

They may not see a car coming. They are following someone else. They may be drinking or otherwise distracted — or they simply think jaywalking isn’t a big deal.

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No One Likes Being Sick

3 Ways to Prevent the Common Cold

Take care of your body: Make sure you get plenty of sleep, eat well- balanced meals, and get regular exercise. These three strategies are easy ways to boost your immune system and ensure your natural defenses are in the best shape to fight off diseases, viruses, and infections. Common Cold Remedies For congestion: Stay hydrated! Be sure you’re drinking plenty of fluids. You can drink water, juice, clear broth, or warm lemon water with honey to help you feel better. You can also try cool-mist vaporizers or humidifiers to add moisture to your home. If your throat is stiff, sore, or scratchy: Gargle with warm water and salt or apple cider vinegar. These mixtures help kill bacteria and temporarily relieve your throat’s soreness. You can also try drinking honey in warm water to reduce inflammation and ease an irritating cough. As we approach cold and flu season, be sure to keep these strategies and remedies in mind in case any of your loved ones become sick. Your friends at County Civil wish you a happy and safe holiday season!

As the temperatures decrease, our chances of catching common colds and flu increase. When working full-time and caring for children or aging loved ones, being sick makes fulfilling your roles more challenging. While there’s no cure for the common cold, there are preventive measures you can take to reduce the risk of getting sick and remedies you can try to make you feel better. 3 Ways to Prevent Fall and Winter Colds Wash your hands often: You use your hands in almost everything you do daily. Because of this, germs and bacteria can easily get on your hands and find their way into your body. To prevent the spread of germs, one of the best things you can do is wash your hands frequently. You can even bring hand sanitizer with you on the go to also keep your hands clean and germ-free. Clean frequently used surfaces regularly: Germs and bacteria can also find their way into your home. Even if no one is sick, you want to clean your home frequently during the cold and flu season. You want to clean doorknobs, countertops, faucet handles, and hand towels regularly.


Are You Prepared for Inclement Weather? WINTER IS COMING…

While we are still enjoying the fall season, winter is approaching rather quickly. The cold winds and freezing temperatures of Michigan’s winters can cause severe problems if you’re not careful. So, it’s time to discuss our winter safety tips to prepare you for what’s to come. 1. Prepare your home. Your home is one of the places you go to when you want to avoid the winter weather. But you want to ensure your home is ready for cold temperatures. To do this, check your heating systems and get any damages repaired or replaced. It’s also beneficial to ensure all seals on windows and doors work properly to keep cold air outside and trap warm air inside. For additional coverage, close all rooms that aren’t in use and place blankets on windows and glass doors. 2. Prevent accidental falls. When the ground is covered with rain, snow, or ice, it’s easier for you to slip and fall. Falling is the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries in older adults, so it’s best to ensure you take all preventive measures to reduce your fall risk. Be sure you wear the proper footwear outdoors during the winter. Your shoes or boots need to fit correctly and have soles with good traction to prevent slipping on slick surfaces. If you have outdoor stairs or walkways,

don’t wait for them to melt — remove any snow or ice as soon as possible.

3. Drive safely. Before hitting the road, you want to ensure

your car is ready for winter travels.

Be sure all tires have enough air in them and that the treading is visible. You should also keep an emergency kit with you in case an emergency occurs. If you’re out on the road driving, please use extra precautions. Avoid using cruise control while in wintry conditions and drive slowly when on icy roads. It’s easier to skid off the road or lose control of your vehicle due to ice, so be sure you try not to overcorrect to stay in your lane. While we may be entering a winter wonderland, we still need to take precautions to ensure our safety. Your friends at County Civil wish you and your loved ones a happy holiday season!



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2383 Tamarack St., Lake Odessa, MI 48849 616-374-7170 | COUNTYCIVIL.COM R isk & A ssociates

Rick Risk is Founder and President of Risk & Associates, a legal support service provider in Michigan, and has assisted hundreds of attorneys, municipalities, courts, Sheriff Offices, businesses, and others with their strategic process needs.



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3 Ways to Give Back to Veterans

5 Reasons People Jaywalk

Check out These Common Cold Remedies!

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3 Winter Safety Tips

A Daily Dose of Gratitude


Most parents want their kids to view Thanksgiving as a meaningful event — not just an opportunity to indulge in turkey and mashed

If you want grateful children, you need to be grateful parents. Consider how you can incorporate gratitude more into your everyday life. Are you as thankful as you should be? Do you repay favors and write thank-you notes? Do you regularly talk about

some yardwork, sharing a toy, or making a painting as a gift can help children understand how powerful it can be to outwardly show our gratitude for the people who are in our lives. Consistency is the most crucial factor, so try to find ways you can incorporate gratitude into your everyday routine. Children of any age can keep a gratitude journal with their parents’ help. Some families also use a gratitude jar where each family member can write what they’re grateful for on a slip of paper and add something different to the jar each week. It’s the perfect way to keep gratitude front and center. These lessons may not sink in immediately, but by cultivating these positive habits in our everyday lives, you will see a big difference in the long run.

potatoes. Unfortunately, most kids’ eyes will glaze over when their parents launch into a lecture about thankfulness. You will likely find better success by emphasizing the value of gratitude all year long. “What do you say?” It’s a question we all ask our young children after someone does something nice for them. This practice instills good manners, but it shouldn’t be confused with teaching gratitude. Imparting the meaning behind the words “thank you” takes something more.

why you’re so fortunate or what you’re thankful for? Cultivating gratitude in your life sets a good example, and many studies show it benefits your mental health as well. Next, consider how you can encourage your child to reflect on who they’re grateful for. Acts of kindness and returning the favor to those who have been good to us can inspire kids to put their gratitude into action. Doing


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