King's Business - 1916-07

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separate from the world, know and love one another, watch over, exhort and aid one another, and seem to grow in humility and zeal.” Such is the summary of the work done and the fruits of blessing gath­ ered in at Perth during this signal time of power. The close of his work at Perth almost coincided with the close of the first year of his ministry, and this is the sig­ nificant entry in his diary: “Wednesday, April 1st, 1840. This day begins my 26th year. I would act for the Lord Jesus henceforth as if I had hitherto done abso­ lutely nothing in His service. May He enable me. I spent the morning alone and in fasting. The Lord, I trust was near, though I cannot say that I spent the sea­ son in a manner befitting such an occa­ sion. Indeed, I can hardly dare to think of God’s dealings with me. They overwhelm ;my soul with astonishment. I wait for eternity to study and admire and extol them.” (To be continued)

says, “except one young man, a son of the house-keeper. He was subdued. I asked him if he would allow 'me to go in and pray. I got into' a large room, many assem­ bled and we had a very solemn meeting. They all promised to come out to the meet­ ings at parting.” It is interesting to learn from a further entry that within two weeks the saloon keeper surrendered his license and went out of business. Mr. Burns stayed in Perth for about three months preaching in various churches in the city and sur­ rounding districts with very great bless­ ing. One of the pastors, the Rev. John Milne, summed up the result o f these months as follows: “God’s people quick­ ened, back-sliders restored, the doubting and uncertain brought to decision and assurance, hidden ones who for years had walked solitarily brought to light and united to a family of brothers and sisters, a large number of the worldly, thoughtless, ignorant, self-righteous turned t o ' the Lord, peculiar people growing up who are

PRODS FOR THE CRITICS Some False Notes in Present Day Belief— Presumptuous Folk Who Would Have Us Prefer their Views in Preference to the Words of Christ By DR. WILLIAM EVANS

O NE of the prominent characteristics of the “latter days” is that there shall be a departure from the faith once for all delivered to the saints. Whether we are living in the “last days” or not may be questioned by some, but that many persons (preachers included) are leaving the old landmarks of Christian belief there can be rto reasonable doubt. It seems as if the simple sound of the gospel were not suffi­ cient ; a gospel with variations is sought. It may not be out of place, therefore, to draw the attention of thoughtful Chris­ tian people to what may be considered false notes in present-day belief. A wrong note with regard to the Bible. —Wrong ..views of the Bible affect adman’s

views of other phases of truth. You can usually tell what a man thinks of the per­ son and work of Christ by what he believes about the Bible—particularly the New Tes­ tament. The converse of this is true also, —a man’s' faith in the Bible usually tells the tale of his faith in Christ. A limited view of the inspiration of the New Testa­ ment usually means a limited Christ for a Savior. The New Testament is the book of Jesus Christ. Outside of it any refer­ ence to Christ is very brief and meagre indeed, and this brief mention is sometimes called an interpolation. The New Testa­ ment is “The Book of ... Jesus Christ.” He is its beginning, its middle, its end. Any limited view, therefore, of the New Testa-

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