King's Business - 1916-07



on record—they will cry “to the moun­ tains and the rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb.” Their cry for mercy will be.too late. I can imagine that the springs' of the earth began to send forth water. The springs began to bubble up, and the heavens were black with clouds, and they emptied their contents upon the earth, and the old earth reeled and tottered .like a man under the influence of liquor, or it rocked like a cradle, and the foundations of the deep were broken up, and the sea that had been held by its chains, broke its bars and began to swell and to rise higher and higher. The people in the low lands said, “We will go to the higher lands and get on the mountain peaks.”- The wise men told them there was no danger. And perhaps those in th e . high f lands said, “There may be a freshet take those in the low lands, but we are perfectly safe.” You can see them coming up from the low lands. You can seC the vile reptiles and beasts coming up from their dens and caves—man and beast coming up the moun­ tainside to escape from the deluge—chil­ dren and parents. You can hear a wail going up from many. The flood rises higher and higher.- By and by a father is washed away and a mother and a child, and you can see the dead bodies floating all around. That scene no tongue on earth can picture. Do you know that no man saw it? It was so horrible, God would not permit even Noah to see it. He had that ark built so there were no windows to look out to see the flood. Only one window was made, and that was made to look up towards the God of judgment. There was not one solitary man left to tell the story. THE LAST MAN ■ And the last man—think of the last man. All had been swept away but one solitary man, and he stands on yonder mountain peak and points to that ark of Noah’s, floating away safely upon the bosom of that water. I tell you, my friends, that storm-had not raged twenty-

four hours before Noah’s ark was worth more than all the world. Men looked upon it with scorn and contempt one day, and the next it was worth more than all the world. The time is coming when Jesus Christ will be worth more than ten thou­ sand worlds like this. Jesus Christ is the ark that God has provided. Then, friends, will you come into the ark or will you decide to die outside of it?- That is for you to settle. Men may cavil as much as they are a mind to, and say they don’t believe these things, but do you know the average life of man is only thirty-three years ? It is very short. It is an inch- of time and eternal ages roll on. It is but a shadow, a vapor, and we are gone. Will you die inside the ark or outside? That is the question. Will you this night, father, come in and take your family in? It is the father’s place to move in first. God addressed Himself to Noah, “Come thou and all thy house into the ark.” And, if you have come in, father and mother, are your children in?' I think we are living in a dark day. How we need our children under the wings of the Almighty! How they need His care and His protection! If God spared not the angels when they fell from their first estate, and cast them out; if God spared not Adam, would not allow him to live in Eden, and turned hirti out; if God spared not those- antediluvians and would not let them live; if God spared not the Jews, and cut them off because they rejected Jesus Christ, and He became the sinner’s substitute, do you think He. will spare you if you reject this salvation, and reject this offer of mercy? The door of the ark stands open. God calls you in, “Come thou and all thy house.” Move up towards the. ark tonight. Let there -be a moving up to the ark tonight. Let us get in, and then let the storm come. Sudden death is- busy around us. Did you ever hear in your life .of so many deaths as you have in the last few weeks? I never did. You cannot take up a paper hardly, “but you read that some man has gone—went to bed well; found dead in his bed. Death is on your track and mine.

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