King's Business - 1916-07


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At the anniversary meeting the report showed that one hundred men had been led out of the ordinary walks of life to give their whole time to Christian service, as evangelists, pastors, missionaries, etc., in the home and foreign lands. The Club has demonstrated beyond any question or doubt that flie Bible is of itself sufficient to draw and hold young men during those crucial years when, according to popular opinion,, they must be feted, feasted and entertained. The invisible Leader of the Club is undoubtedly the Lord Himself, and He “ever liveth,” but humanly speaking, a “Fishermen’s Club” without “Daddy” Hor­ ton is unthinkable! The very name by which they delight to call him, breathes of the affection of his spiritual children, who may have “many teachers.” May the Lord spare this Zebedee father of fishermen long to his children. The Club is incorporated under the laws of California and its pin copyrighted. Article 2, of the constitution, reads as fol­ lows : The object of the Club shall be (1) to create and stimulate a love for God's Holy Word, and the study thereof; (2) to do active, aggressive, personal work, for Jesús Christ; (3) to uphold the evangelical doctrines of the Church a's follows: The Trinity of the God-head. The Deity of Jesus Christ. The Personality of the Holy Spirit. The Supernatural and plenary Authority of the Holy Scriptures. The Endless -Punishment of the Impenitent. The Reality and Personality of Satan; (4) to unite the members into one body, with one pur­ pose, and one business—winning souls for Christ. The attendance requirement is indicated by the following extract from the by-laws of the Club: Members of the Club must be regular in their attendance at the Club meetings, or give satis­ factory reasons for their irregularity to the Membership Secretary and Committee. Any member absent from four consecutive meetings without a written explanation, forfeits his mem­ bership without action by the Membership Com­ mittee. / The Fellowship of the Church. The Substitutionary Atonement. The Necessity of the New Birth. The Maintenance of Good Works. The Second Coming of Christ. The Endless Existence of the Soul. The Resurrection oi the Body. The Life Everlasting of Believers.

the acorn. Years have not diminished its influence. It grows sturdier and stronger. It is getting a broader, new and wide vision of the call of God. It is rising to a higher estimate of the purposes of-the Master. It has learned through the life of sur­ render to God how to stand with heart bared and head bowed in the sacred pres­ ence of the Captain of the Lord’s Hosts, and to do with loyal obedience His loving will. The club has honestly and heartily sought to magnify the name and glorify the person of Christ the Lord.” Briefly the following may be said of the club: . It has never known a holiday. It has never had a secular lecture. It has held hundreds of meetings. It has made hundreds of converts. J t has helped to support missionaries. It has never had an entertainment. Nor any schemes for getting members. It has never sought to be popular. Never depended upon popular speakers. Never had a musical program. Never had office-seeking members. Never has had any dues. Never pandered to any worldly influ­ ence. It has a definite statement of belief. Every member subscribes to it. It has had a definite object, and high ideals for its membership. Its spirit is evangelistic and soul-saving. Even an anniversary turkey dinner of this club ended with an evangelistic serv­ ice in which fifty young men gave them­ selves up to a surrendered life. Of the nineteen men who have served as presidents, fourteen are still in active Christian work. Three are on the foreign field; five are studying for the ministry; one is a volunteer for the foreign field, and. the others are aggressive in the work of the Church. Of the hundreds of mem­ bers who have passed through the Club, scores are scattered throughout the world doing business for the King. It has had faithful officers. It has had praying members.

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