King's Business - 1916-07



people, Ye have scattered my flock and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith the Lord.” Jer. 23:1, 2 . Poor, blind leaders are these; blind lead­ ers of the blind, shall they not both fall into the ditch ?

View” was left with him and a silent prayer offered that God would use it to lift the veil fro.m his eyes. This Rabbi is an example of the many leaders of Israel of whom Jeremiah writes “Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture; saith the Lord. Therefore, thus saith the Lord God of Israel, against the pastors that feed my

-----------O----------- WORK OF THE BIBLE WOMEN

Mrs. T. 0. Horton, Supt.

O NE day in house to house visitation, I came to the home of a young mother and two babies. No, she was not a Chris­ tian, but she knew she ought to be, and had always attended church and Sunday School until she married and her husband not being interested, she grew indifferent. I had a talk.with her and left some tracts and a Gospel of John. Then she moved and I lost track of her. This last week (being fully two months since the first call) 1 located her agaih in another part of the city, and after a heart to heart talk she gave herself to the Lord. When I told her she must confess Him according to Romans 10:9, she declared her purpose of telling her husband and also writing to her mother. An Eastern tourist arrived in Los Angeles in January to spend the winter. She was a most charming young woman, with a beautiful babe of three years. Through an accident which occurred in February, the baby was injured and suddenly died. The father who had been detained in the East came but immediately, but too late to see the little one. Suddenly bereft of their idol, this man and wife who had lived most worldly and wilful lives, began to seek for hope, and help and God. The mother came into the Bible Woman’s class, all eagerness to get a ray of comfort for her desolate heart, and the questions she

asked: “Where- is the seventh heaven ?” “Will I ever see my child again?” “What is the first resurrection?” A private inter­ view was arranged, when an entire morn­ ing was spent over Ihe Bible. At the close of the interview, the little woman, with tear-stained face, but full of joy and glad­ ness, accepted Jesus Christ as Master and Lord. Immediately, her thought went out to her husband, an uncle and an aunt, that they too might hear “the Way” and be saved. Pray for these three. Last Friday night after the class one woman said she wanted to give a testimony. She came into the class saying she didn’t know whether she was a Christian or not. She has been coming regularly and seemed, interested, so I have not spoken personally to her, but have noticed a growing interest in the Word. Last week she said she wanted to confess she had never read the Bible through as it had always been a dry, uninteresting book to her. Now, she finds it not only interesting but she said “Some way I seem to be able to understand things I never did before, and I can hardly wait for the time to come each day when I can sit down and read.” If you could have seen her face you would have known something of the joy that is in her heart through the Word. (Continued on page 668)

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