King's Business - 1916-07

THE KING’S BUSINESS 581 unusual opportunity for personal work. The streets'and parks and beaches are crowded with people who are housed during most of thé year. A con­ secrated worker can go in among them, and by personal work and a wise use of tracts can lead hundreds to Christ. Instead of letting down in our work we should push it in the Summertime more than at any other time of the year. In England a great deal is made of services on the sand at seaside resorts, services not only for adults, but special services for children. At some seaside resorts a beginning of this kind has been made in America, but the work is not being pushed as it ought to be. Let us all determine that we will make this Summer such a season of ingathering as this country has not seen for many a year. ________________ While the Montrose Bible Conference is like some The Montrose other Bible Conferences in numerous important Bible Conference. respects, it probably stands almost alone in the empha­ sis that it lays upon systematic and coherent Bible teach­ ing. While there are other Confèrences that have perhaps as many distin­ guished teachers from both sides of the Atlantic, there is perhaps no other where the teachers are selected with such careful reference to the lines of teaching that they will pursue, and as to the way that they will fit with the other teachers who are invited. The object is not so much to get a great variety of teachers as to secure a harmonious and well-balanced program. Instead of putting on a good many men for one or two addresses each, the aim is to have each teacher give at least one address each day of the Conference, with the Iexception of one rest-day for each teacher. The managers of the Conference think that they have secured this year what is on the whole, the best program that they have ever been able to offer. The principal teachers will be : Rev. W- H. Griffith Thomas, D. D„ Rev. William Evans, D. D.„ Rev. William B. Riley, D. D., Rev. Harris H. Gregg, D. D., Rev. George Màhy, D. D .'D r. R. A. Torrey, Rev. J. M. Maclnnes, Ph. D., Rev. Charles Hurlburt (of Kijabe, Africa), Rev. W. S. Jacoby. . . . There will also be a number of speakers fromnhe foreign field, and it is expected one hour will be given each day to a consideration of foreign mission work. There will be an hour each day for Ministers’ Conferences, and other conferences will be held along special lines. The Montrose Conference will be held at Montrose, Pa., July 28 to August 6. It is in better financial condition than ever before, provision having been made for the payment of the entire floating debt. An article appeared a little while ago in the news- Blessings papers telling how a gentleman who had just arrived of Peace. .> from Europe became so hysterically happy over his reaching a land where peace prevailed, that he went, up Broadway laughing and yelling and shouting until at last the police, think­ ing he was insane» took him in charge. - When they asked him to explain him­ self he could hardly bring himself under control, but every now and then would fall into laughter and chuckles. When finally he did get control of himself he told them' that he was an American and had been in Europe ever since the war began and this was his first visit home; that he was so happy to get into peace­ ful America once more that he had to give way to his emotions.- One paper

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