King's Business - 1916-07

Tracts! For

More Good Books

Personal Workers We find that many people are often uncertain and perplexed concerning the choice of tracts for use in dealing with the unsaved. For this reason we have prepared packages of tracts (no two alike) which we,can furnish at 25 CENTS PER PACKAGE These packages will supply you with tracts to use on all occasions and for all purposes. Order one or more of No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, or No. 4. If you order the full set of four packages, you will receive an assort-' ment in which there are no duplicates. “New Thought” We have had a great many requests for a tract dealing with the false teachings of “New Thought,” and are at last in a position to supply this demand. The tract which we now have in stock is entitled WHAT IS “NEW THOUGHT?” and gives a brief, comprehensive statement of the chief misleading doc­ trines of this subtle device of Satan. Price, 10c per doz.; 75c per hundred

We can recommend the following books as especially refreshing to the Christian—safe, sane and sound. Getting Things from God By Charles A. Blanchard. This study of the prayer life will help the reader to know that God answers prayer. Many sick ones, many tempted, burdened, per­ plexed and weary ones will here find wis­ dom and help, and comfort and strength. .................................... P aper, 35c; Cloth, 75c The Dynamic of All Prayer By G. Granger Fleming. This is a book Which defines afresh the beauty and power of prayer, and its natural place in our lives; which restores its strength and peace to those who have forgotten how to pray.1 Andrew Murray has written of this book and its author: “I believe it has been given him of God so to state the case for prayer as will open the eyes of many to a new vision of its place and power in God’s great scheme of redemption.” ......................................................— Cloth, 75c With Christ in the School of Prayer By Andrew Murray. The author points out the progressive teaching of our Lord in regard to prayer, and the distinct refer­ ence the wonderful promises of the last night (John 14:16) have to the works we are to do in His Name, to the greater works, and to the bearing much fruit. This book makes clearer the wonderful place of power and influence which He is waiting for His children to occupy. ...................Cloth, 35c; Full Morocco, $1.00 The Lord’s Prayer , By R. Harris. Whoever reads this book with an open mind will surely be brought into a higher state of Christian living. It treats of the scriptural basis of prayer for revival, the Divine nature, and other topics suggested by the different petitions of our Lord’s prayer. ........................-...........Stiff P ap er Covers, 25c

THE BIOLA BOOK ROOM Bible Institute of Los Angeles

536-558 South H ope Street

Los Angeles, California

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