King's Business - 1916-07

A Complete List of the Books and Pam­ phlets of that Recognized Master in Biblical Teaching REV. I. M. HALDEMAN, D. D., Pastor First Baptist Church N E W Y O R K , N . Y . T h e l a t e s t w r i t in g o f D r . H a ld e m “THIS HOUR NOT THE HOUR OF THE PRINCE OF PEACE” given in the Brooklyn Baptist Temple before the New York State Convention, October 27 1915

cants being denied the opportunity of securing copies. ..„„.I The iol.lowin* publications are having a world-wide circulation and the publisher is constantly receiving commendations and expressions of gratitude from far and near. BOOKS—All Postpaid

How to Study the Bible. Fifth. Edition. 12mo, 580 pages, (formerly $1.50) now.... $1.00 The Coming of Christ, both Pre-Millenial, and Imminent, 11th Thousand. Red cloth,. 325 pages, 12mo.__ ____________ _____ $1.00 The Signs of the Times. Fifth Edition. Handsomely bound in red cloth, 12mo, 455 pages (formerly $1.50) now____________ $ .87 Christ, Christianity and the Bible. Red cloth, 160 pages_______ ._____ _$ .75 Bible Expositions, Vol. 2, 654 pages______ $1.50 The bound volume of Dr. Haldeman’s ^Sunday School Lesson Notes for 1915. A remarkable ag­ gregation of scriptural expositions. A mine of spiritual wealth to all lovers of the Word. The History of the Doctrine of the Lord's Return. Latest pamphlet_________ J___$ .10 An Analysis of Christian Science on the Basis of Its Own Statements. Fifteenth Thousand ____ ..____ __._v__ _________$ .10 Rauschenbusch’s “Christianity and the So­ cial Crisis.'' A keen Analysis of a College Professor’s new Book in the Light of the Old Book. Eighth Thousand_______ i _$ .10 Millennial Dawnism, or the Blasphemous Religion Which Teaches the Annihilation of Jesus Christ. Hundredth Thousand....$ .10 The Great Counterfeit, Millennial Dawnism, 39 pages _..*....________ ........____ $ .10 Two Men and Russellism. A Dialogue. 64 pages ___.....________ $ .10 Theosophy or Christianity: Which? Fourth Edition -. 1 —-—_—--- - .... $ .10 Can Morality Save Us? Seventh Thousand..! .10 Could Our Lord Have Sinned ?.___^_____ $ .02 What Russellism Teaches........__ _____ ____ $ .02 Does It Make Any Difference? or The Virgin Birth of Christ....,..».__......___ ...._____ ___.$ .02 The following eight pamphlets are chapters from the book “THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES:''

Christian Science in the Light of Holy Scripture. Cloth, 441 pages. Fifth Edition. 12 mo, first four editions $1.50, now______ $1.00 Key to Dispensational Study of Scripture. 64 pages ----- ----------- £______________ $ .25 *vrei5-5.t *» firsat .chaPter ^om “How to Study the Bible. Published separately in semi-flexible cloth. The Lily Song. A, Good Matter Touching ♦he King. Paper cover, postpaid.^..... ....$ .25 A beautiful devotional and expository presentation of the 45th Psalm. Sunday School Lesson Quarterly (Interna­ tional System). Price, per quarterly issue, 25c* Per annual subscription____ fi pp Mental Assassination, or Christian Science a Physical, Intellectual, Moral and Spiritual Peril. Twelfth Thousand -.... $ aj( Jericho Theology. A brilliant and powerful *arraignment of the “New Theology'' men. Twentieth Thousand ______ % ___ . ^ ¿jg Thinking Above What Is Written, or the ex­ altation of human wisdom above the Word of God. Sixth Thousand__;....________ j .20 T1*e New Religion, or Athenian CulTure and Christianity. Fifth Thousand ______ __j$..i§ The Devil's Righeousness, or Cain come to town again. Seventh Thousand™_____ .10 Socialism. Sixth Thousand..;,.........________ $ .10 The Scarlet Woman. Sixth Thousand__ ,_$ .10 Emmanuelism. A new and dangerou de- parture -------- .....--- fc___________ J___ $ .i, , The following four pamphlets are chapters from “HOW TO STUDY THE BIBLE” - P The Two Natures.........___ ___________ The Story of Joseph______ _ The Sabbath ______________ __^ ^ The Imminent Coming of Christ!______.!!..! $ !o5 The following pamphlet is a chapter from “CHRIST, CHRISTIANITY AND THE BIBLE'“ The Bible, 66 pages____....______________ t jj ...$ .10 -.$ .10

PAMPHLETS—All Postpaid

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