Board Converting News, July 11, 2022

Local Politics (CONT’D FROM PAGE 26)

cal power of the small business owner acting alone. But there’s no doubt that scheduling constraints can hamper the most well-intentioned effort. “Any kind of community work is a time vampire,” says Ennico. “We are so busy run- ning our shops and working 24/7 that taking time out for civic involvement is a lot to ask. It’s easy to let things slide because you are too busy.” Reach out to your fellow business owners for assis- tance. When they see you have blazed a trail through the wilderness of local politics, they will be more willing to lend a hand. Join your local chamber of commerce or business council. Small business people working togeth- er can improve the local business climate for everyone. “If you don’t reach out, you will become invisible to local politicians,” says Ennico. “And when you become invisible, bad things can happen.” Know The Rules Respect ethical boundaries when you deal with politi- cians. “You have to follow the rules regarding expenditures or gifts,” says Sean W. Hadley, a Moorestown, NJ-based attorney active in government relations. “This is true even for smaller social gratuities.” You might be tempted to invite your local mover and shaker to lunch, for example, given that meal’s traditional role as a business negotiation ice-breaker. Bad idea. You do not want to offer a favor with a financial component, no matter how modest. CONTINUED ON PAGE 30

up your story with data,” says Bocskor. “Show the official how a certain proposed regulation will affect x, y and z. People need to know the consequences of government actions that too often sound good before you do the math.” Budget Concerns Speaking of numbers, few are as important as the ones in your town’s budget. You may not ordinarily give much thought to that arcane document, but it can have an out- sized influence on your business. “Budget issues are real- ly issues of priority,” says Hadley. “Suppose you need im- provements to the roads leading to your place of business, and you were able to convince your town to pass an or- dinance requiring that. You think you have accomplished your goal, but if the town budget does not allocate the req- uisite funds you will see no road improvements over the coming year. Without the money to fund it, an ordinance is only worth the paper it’s written on.” Vital as it is, involvement with the town budget is a long game. “You have to start small, by getting to know your town officials,” says Hadley. “You can’t just walk into your town hall and say ‘I want to know everything about the budget and want to influence it.’ Your town officials will not be forthcoming. You have to get to know them first on a personal level as a small business owner.” Team Up For Success The suggestions above have championed the politi-

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