Totally Fulfilled Book!

Totally Fulfilled

than before? It’s not because their problems were easier than other people’s. Rather, they made a decision not to allow the past to determine their future. They took what they had and made the most of it. They made a decision that even though their past was difficult; they were not going to use it as a crutch for the future. Do you have a crutch? If so, let’s get rid of it; let’s change it! Don’t look back when you are nearing the end of your life and have a mound of regrets. In fact, here is a great example of perspective. Think about how you would feel in the following situations: ! Failed in business at age 31.

# Defeated in a legislative race at age 32. # Failed again in business at age 34.

# Overcame the death of his sweetheart at age 35.

# Had a nervous breakdown at age 36.

# Lost an election at age 38.

# Lost a congressional race at age 43. # Lost another congressional race at age 48.

# Lost a senatorial race at age 55.

# Failed to become vice president at age 56. # Lost another senatorial race at age 58.

By the way, how are we doing so far? Is this person doomed, or what? What’s your take? Do you like the underdog? Me, too. In conclusion… He was elected president of the United States at age 60. His name was Abraham Lincoln. Can you imagine facing adversity so

Do what other people do and you can achieve what they have.

often? What made the difference? The exact tools you are being provided in this book. Do what other people do and you can achieve what they have. This isn’t something I dreamed up to sell books; it’s

how life works. You have all the tools to achieve massive success. It’s your time to shine.


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