Totally Fulfilled Book!

Chapter 2. Success Leaves Clues

don’t go nuts and I keep my shoulder semi strong, it is 98% of what it once was. This story illustrates how important it is to recognize when your beliefs are limited by a lack of knowledge. Also, I was limited by my perception that a doctor knew best and I shouldn’t question his opinion. The man knewmore than me, he was the expert so if he said have an operation, that was what I was going to do. Period. But then the universe nudged me and told me that I should open myself up and be receptive to other ideas. I could have just as easily dismissed what I was told about physical therapy, but I didn’t. By being open minded and willing to accept new ideas and being open to suggestions, I brought my neighbor to the point where she could make her suggestion. That’s the power of attraction. Core Attribute # 2 Totally satisfied people are open minded and willing to con- sider that there are always multiple solutions to any problem. Did you do the beliefs exercise (from p. 282)? I hope so. If you didn’t, try to do it soon, because if you do it, you will be light years ahead of 95% of people in the world today. Was the first group of questions—the limiting beliefs—or the second group—the limitless beliefs—easier for you to relate to? Which ones were you able to whip through, with answers in your head as soon as you read them? Which questions made you say, “I’ll think about these, but they’re not really ‘me’”? Would holding limitless beliefs be impossible with the life you currently have? Did you think, “Dean, you’re nuts! That’s an impossible way to go through life”?


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