BEP School Improvement Offer 2023/24



Beyond the expectations of the BCC SI Contract and our universal services to all schools, we have broadened our delivery offer to meet the requests and requirements from leaders across the city, and beyond. These are delivered through a highly skilled, experienced pool of BEP consultants, carefully matched to meet need.

We offer:

Courses and conferences. Review and evaluative work in individual schools/groups of schools. Developmental and advisory work in individual schools/groups of schools. Wider school services, such as leader recruitment.


The offer through the BCC contract. The option to buy any of our traded services. All schools are members of BEP and receive:

Schools can access support by choosing levels of BEP Membership to suit their budget and their needs, culminating in our comprehensive top level membership tier: PREMIER.

For more detail around our 2023/24 BEP Membership offer, visit:

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