BEP School Improvement Offer 2023/24


Traded Delivery TIER 2: PEDAGOGY

Why is this area a priority?


We believe that having a sound understanding and application of pedagogy is key to schools achieving successful outcomes for all pupils. Our focus is to support schools in developing strong, research-informed teaching and learning practice so that their staff can become the most effective practitioners they can be. At the heart of our pedagogy tier is a discounted subscription offer to the WalkThrus approach, designed by Tom Sherrington and Oliver Caviglioi. The approach has been designed within the context of seeking effective solutions to deal with the complex issues surrounding classroom teaching and the difficulty in providing effective and impactful CPD. You can watch Tom Sherrington give a short introduction to using this approach here, which is a useful starting point for schools considering subscribing. Schools are able to subscribe at any time for a 3-year subscription and further details can be found here.

70+ schools signed up


through the BEP offer, including whole MAT groups, Primary, Secondary and Special schools. 130+ leaders from across the city attended our highly successful launch ‘Development Day’ with Tom Sherrington.


REGULAR AND ONGOING SUPPORT provided to schools via Consortium Partners.


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