BEP School Improvement Offer 2023/24

Lead: Gill Sparrow

Art. Includes x3 training events:

RE. Includes x3 training events: 1.

Drawing. Event date: 11/12/23 Collage. Event date: 20/02/24 Sculpture. Event date: 12/06/24

Dharmic Religions: Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism. Event date: 12/10/23 Abrahamic Religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Event date: 22/02/24 Religious Narratives: The Power of Stories. Event date: 09/05/24

1. 2. 3.


DT. Includes x3 training events: 1.

Pulley’s Gears, Cams and Levers. Event date: 18/12/23 Textiles. Event date: 23/02/24 Monitoring and Control. Event date: 26/06/24


2. 3.

Delivered by: Daniel Martin, RE Specialist.

Delivered by: Andrew Fox, Art and DT Consultant.

PRIMARY SUBJECT PEER REVIEWS This is a coaching model to support schools in a self-led system of continuing school improvement. The BEP Peer Review Programme enables schools to build strong, supportive, and mutually beneficial relationships that deliver sustainable self-improvement. BEP subject peer reviews help schools rigorously challenge each other and identify priority areas for development. It supports schools in celebrating strengths and learning from one another within a culture of collective accountability.


Maths & PE

Geography & History 06/12/2023

RE & Computing


Art & DT


Music & MFL




Reading & Writing 13/03/2024

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