Why is this area a priority?
English is a subject in its own right and provides the knowledge and skills to access the whole curriculum. The development of pupils’ spoken language, reading, writing and vocabulary are integral aspects of the teaching of every subject and provide pupils with the ability and opportunity to communicate their ideas, opinions and emotions. Writing is one of the subjects disproportionately affected by the pandemic and where catch up has been slowest. Recent KS2 data also shows reading attainment has dipped despite previous improvements. For this reason, we have designed an offer with a range of training, support and engagement approaches with something for everyone. We are working with partners to design further offers to support Birmingham schools to improve standards in reading. More information will be available via your Consortium Partner and the hub in the new academic year. More than ever before, the need for additional attention to early literacy skills have been necessary in the secondary phase, likely linked to the legacy impact of the pandemic. The BEP English offer is aimed at both primary and secondary phases.
schools have accessed training and support from partners such as Herts for Learning (Winning at Writing), The Writing Revolution (Advancing Thinking through Writing), Literacy Counts (Everybody Write) and St Matthew's Research School (Talk for Writing) in the past year.
schools attended the summer Writing conference. Plus, the BEP Writing Peer Review Programme has supported subject and middle leaders in their practice.
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