Lead: Nadine Abeng
RAISING STANDARDS THROUGH AMBITIOUS LITERATURE: OPENING DOORS WITH BOB COX Join a new collaboration of Birmingham schools, facilitated by Bob Cox and his team to deliver routes to ambitious English. This will include a mix of in-person and online sessions to cover topic titles such as: Using Taster Drafts and Strategies for Quality Writing. Opening Doors to Poetry. The Opening Doors Strategies Toolkit: Radial Layouts. Exploring Key Principles for Richer English: Non-Fiction. Opening Doors to Richer English: Exploring Specific Key Stage 1 Ideas. Ambition and Inclusion: Ways forward to open doors for all pupils. This is a real opportunity for teachers to feel part of something that is growing across the city, plus their own pupils' work should improve as they share and learn.
SUBJECT SPECIFIC WRITING SUPPORT: HIGH QUALITY RE Gain insight into how best to maximise opportunities to reinforce the quality of children’s writing without sacrificing the rich subject content or rigour of RE. CONSULTANT LED WRITING/READING REVIEW A comprehensive exploration of the writing or reading approach in school using an evaluative framework, examining policy, practice and outcomes. FREE for Primary BEP Member Schools. £75pp for non Primary BEP Member Schools An opportunity for middle leaders to develop their leadership skills alongside creating and sustaining supportive and collaborative partnerships with subject leaders from other schools. BEP PRIMARY ENGLISH CONFERENCE Review the latest research and evidence, discuss different routes to implementing an ambitious English curriculum.
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