BEP School Improvement Offer 2023/24



Details of BEP's 2023/24 EYFS offer are listed below. Courses and training are colour coded by phase*. Where applicable, please hover over the title link to be re-directed to the full information page.

UNDERSTANDING QUALITY IN EYFS This course has been designed for Headteachers and Senior Leadership Teams with limited experience of practice in the EYFS. Delegates will be taught how to identify what features underpin high quality Suitable for: Headteachers and senior leaders with limited up to date knowledge and experience of teaching and learning in EYFS. practice in early years education and use this to improve practice, leading to better academic and social outcomes for children.

EY LEADERSHIP AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME Delegates will be introduced to evidence-based approaches to developing a vision and strategic planning. They will have the opportunity to apply these to their own contexts and select tools and documentation to support monitoring, evaluation, supervision and workforce development planning. Suitable for: Recent EYFS Leads / new or aspiring EYFS Leads. UNDERSTANDING INTENT, IMPLEMENTATION AND IMPACT IN THE EYFS Delegates the application of the current inspection framework to the early years foundation stage and be able to use this to shape their vision, ethos, and curriculum design. They will be able to articulate what they are teaching and why, and monitor and evaluate impact with greater confidence during inspection. will understand


Delegates will gain a thorough understanding of the three characteristics of effective teaching and learning and will be prompted to reflect on how children learn, rather than just on what they learn. Suitable for: Early Career Teachers or those new to teaching in the early years.

Suitable for: EYFS Leads and senior leaders in Primary schools.

*Courses and training are colour coded by phase. Purple-EY, Red-Primary, Blue-Secondary, Green-Special

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