u ^ hatever e? ° r t may cost- honestly to adm it th a t th e sacred books of sacred books of o ther nations, the works of man and not of God. The tru th is th a t th e B ible is th e word of God o r it is not. If it is it m ust be inspired m its en tirety . If it is not, no p a rt of it can be inspired The ta k if mv.en tt d ,th e absurd apology th a t God inspired, not th e th in g s you ppp I t h l l P tT t0*’ bUt„ some o th er things. By th is means do they seek to con- su rL y p assin ^ aw aT .”0 mBpirat,on and to camouflaSe a mischievous erro r th a t is ■ tHfidel has adopted the very course of Reasoning which the expon e n t s ^ the Bible, have long used as a basis for proving that the Bible is inspired, and its verbal and plenary inspiration has been shown from every a.nf .• 'Y,hy 1S that the scholarly men of the higher critic schools per sist m offering to the church their milk and water argument that any ignorant infidel can dispose of in a minute’s time? Why not “ come clean” ani l ai*mit there is no difference between refined rationalism and bold infidelity?—K. L. B. Tif ai’e W v , T H E PRA TER Apostasy The following editorial in an Ohio paper has been sent to us • ____undeluded person knows th a t the church has not ‘made good’ on prayer. Or, th a t prayer does not do w hat is wildly claimed for it. The shrewd u n t T p f t W° -i? haS discovered th e fact th a t prayer does not work, th a t it does no t get tangible results, th a t while it may “ inspire” th e one who prays— th a t no o th er gam s are to be had from it. In th e te st of fact and honesty prayer has not made good. It does not “w ork,” it is inefficient. And th e world^ knows it The world believes in faith , works and fru ition— bu t to postpone all fruU ion to ano th er world, is somewhat visionary and unsatisfying. And any sane person 1*0 expenence, will have to adm it th a t th ere is no case of answered prayer, tltSmSgtZ ,8K prooh«'*» mo , 1 ° „ S # world drops th e church and prayer, like any o ther crude, inefficient machinery, and simply forgets th e church. The world has no grudge a t the
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