898 T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S the most biting part of their messages on the outside of the envelope. Others return to us tracts and literature issued against Christian Science, the literature having undergone the . Christian Science treatment. Slips of paper are carefully pasted over certain words and unique artistic ability is displayed in the retouching of titles, etc., by the use of the pen. One zealous brother decorates the outside of his envelope with the words, “ The reason you rail at Christian Science is because they are in whiteheat favor. ’’ He tells the truth. But when did public favor ever prove the truth of a cause? The plain truths of God’s Word have never had that favor. Jesus Christ never knew anything of whiteheat favor. A religion that denies the fact of sin as well as a penalty for sin would natur ally be expected to reach whiteheat favor. One remarks on the outside of his envelope, “ If God don’t object to Christian Science, why should you worry?” But God does object. His whole Word objects. He warns and re-warns against the damnable false religions that will characterize the last days of the age, especially “ science falsely so-called.” He says, “ Mark them, avoid them.” Rom. 16:17. He says ‘‘Rebuke them,” Tit. 1:13; “ Bid them not Godspeed,” 2 Jno. 11; “ Re ceive them not into your houses,” 2 Jno. 10; “ Stop their mouths,” Tit. 1:11; “ Try them whether they be of God,” 1 Jno. 4:1. He says mqny other things concerning those who will bring in strange doctrines concern ing the person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ. Perhaps this is why Mrs. Eddy is compelled to tell us that “ a mortal and material sense stole into the divine record, darkening to some extent the inspired pages with its own hue.” Another decorates the title of a tract and makes it read, “ Everyone wrong but me,” (then follows the author’s name). No, EVERYONE WRONG BUT GOD. “ Thy Word is Truth.” “ To the law and to the tes timony, if they speak not according to this Word there is no truth in them.” Isa. 8:20. God’s Word was given to correct men’s thoughts in re gard to eternal things. (Isa. 55:8-9). “ Everyone wrong but me”—so says Mrs. Eddy. “ Science and Health,” she says, “ is the voice of truth, the revealed truth, uncontaminated by human hypothesis.” “ God has been fitting me for the reception of a FINAL revelation.” “ Divine Science is the Word of God.” Let us warn once more, “ Everyone is wrong BUT GOD.” The moment we find a human writing that claims to be essential to the understanding of the Bible, we may be assured we are to be carried BEYOND THE BIBLE and upon dangerous ground. The constant search for “ new tru th” is noth ing but the desire to escape the need of practicing the old. There is no new truth. God’s Word is the FINAL revelation, open to all who will read with the aid of the Holy Spirit, not to be added to or subtracted from. —K L. B. W H Y A Bible Institute? The wisdom and power of God is manifested and illustrated in His plan and preparation for the present-day need of the church and the world. What is that need? Men and women, trained in the knowledge and use of the Word of God, fitted and qualified to carry to the people of the
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