King's Business - 1919-10

900 T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S These schools are springing up all over this country, and are being honored of God. What other means could there be of meeting a crisis like this—few men offering for training for the ministry in the seminaries, and many of them when graduated unfit for an orthodox church or mis­ sion field! A seething mass of humanity without a single message from the Lord! How would men and women be trained, where would they be trained, were it not, that God Himself had devised these Bible Training Institutes ? Lift up your hearts in thanksgiving, and pour out your souls in praise for them. Pray that the Lord may multiply the number of young men and women who will devote their lives to the work of giving the Gospel to our own and other lands. There are over ten thousand vacant churches in this country; no minister or missionary for them. There are millions beyond the seas, hopeless and helpless without God’s Word. How. will or how can the need be met save by this God-inspired, God-instituted, God- sustained and God-blessed method? Give of your means. Give gladly, give bountifully to this work—- the work of God—for a lost world.—T. C. H. T h e Late Jokn H . Sammis Rev. John H. Sammis, who departed to be w ith the Lord Jun e 12, 1919, was for a number of y ears an honored member of the faculty of th e Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles, and editor of The K ing’s Business. He came to th e In stitu te in the early period of its life, when his knowledge of th e Word of God and his loyal defence of th e tru th were needed and greatly appreciated. Mr. Sammis was by m ental equipment a scholar. F o r years he was a close and continuous stud en t of the Word' of God, and— possessing a rem arkable mem­ ory—_was a walking encyclopedia of th e text of the Scriptures. He knew by h eart whole books of th e Bible and few men have been able to quote from Genesis to Révélation so readily portions of th e Holy Book. F o r many years a preacher of the P resbyterian Church and pastor of sev­ eral churches, he was loyal to th e faith h e professed, honored by his breth ren , and beloved by his people. Mr. Sammis was best known, however, as a hymn w riter, and a little brochure of his hymns has been widely scattered. Among these gems, two are outstanding, and have become known th roughou t the world. “T ru st and Obey,” tran slated into several languages, and “H e’s a F riend of Mine,” have found a large place in the h ea rt life of thousands of people. No man has lived in vain who has been perm itted to speak to hundreds of thousands of people th rough his Gospel songs. His messages were ever char­ acterized by loyalty to th e teaching of th e Scripture and in th a t differed from so much of th e sing-song, rag-tim e verse so prevalent in Gospel hymnology. F o r over fo rty years Mr. Sammis was a personal and beloved friend of the w riter, and I tak e pleasure in bearing th is simple testim ony to th e life and service of a man beloved of all who knew him. T rue to God and to his conviction of th e tru th , tru e to his people and to his friends— he will be held in loving remembrance by hundreds whose lives he touched in the God-given m inistry comm itted to him. His loving and faith fu l wife and devoted daugh ter and a long list of loving friends will look forw ard to a joyful re-union when the Lord gives the victorious shout. T. C. H. Did You Read the First Editorial? If So, Read It Again.

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