King's Business - 1919-10



cum stance may be tak ing your meas­ ure for a larg er place. The tim e for “ sitting down in the Kingdom of H eaven” is no t yet. This is th e tim e for standing up for it. . The tragedy of the load of w orry is th a t it is an unnecessary burden. The sain t is th e L o rd ’s consecrated temple, and by sin th a t temple is pro­ faned. The sin of an unbeliever is th eft, because it robs God of th e glory due Him, b u t th e sin of a sain t is sac­ rilege, because it robs God of w hat is specially dedicated to His use. We are more in need of those who can ta lk about religion th a n those who can preach it. F rom th e lowest depth th e re is a p ath to the lo ftiest height. There are lots of nets th a t will not catch any fish unless they are first washed and mended. If the very cat and dog in th e house are no t b etter and happier for your being a Christian, it is a question w hether you really are one. If th e re be a spot of gu ilt on th e con­ science it spoils th e h ea rt for the heav­ enly music. We can m easure our likeness to the Lord by th e range of our sensitiveness to th e world’s sorrow and pain. Our real songs begin w ith our sac­ rifices. To disobey th e gospel is far worse th a n to b reak the law. F o r disobe­ dience to th e law th e re is remedy in th e gospel, b u t for disobedience to the gospel no remedy can he found. There rem aineth no more sacrifice for sins. Would your banker guess from the way your checks are drawn th a t the spread of th e Gospel is your chief con­ cern?

When your love grows so cold th a t no one can h ear its th rob or feel its heat, you have somehow grieved the Holy Spirit and lost touch w ith Jesus Christ. The blues are sp iritu al cross eyes. He is th e best studen t in divinity who studies most on his knees. The acid te st of th e greatness or smallness of a hum an ch aracter is found in an a ttitu d e toward the little things of life. The w inds of God are always blowing, b u t if you wish to go forw ard you must keep your sails unfurled. The th e a te r is certainly no t a good place to die in, nor will it he a good place for Christians to he found when Jesus Christ comes to ea rth again. The g reatest friend of tru th is tim e; her g reatest enemy is prejudice; her constant companion is hum ility. G reatness is to ta k e the little things of life and w alk tru ly among them . T ru th can be outraged by silence quite as cruelly as by speech. Many a man can brave th e perils of adversity who succumbs to th e seduc­ tions of prosperity. Love which cannot stand th e hammer and the anvil is h u t a counterfeit. We cannot all be apostles h u t we ought to he “ epistles”— love-letters from Jesus to th e world. The pessim ist is the man who sees in every opportunity a difficulty; and th e optim ist is a man who sees in every difficulty an opportunity. R ivers of v itality have th e ir rise in souls th a t are on th e ir knees before God. It is a blessed fever th a t brings Christ to the bedside. Let every occasion be a g reat oc­ casion, for you cannot tell when Cir­

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