King's Business - 1919-10



MOST DANGEROUS ENEMY An enemy of prayer is an enemy to man, to duty, to righteousness, to hap­ piness, to God, to heaven-—to all good, and to all th a t is friendly to or leads to good. An enemy to prayer is a uni­ v ersal enemy. We dread and guard ag ain st enem ies to our crops, to our health, to our business, and to the peace of our country; b u t often dire enem ies to prayer are unobserved and unresisted. They so often succeed in th e ir aw ful work, which is so fatal to sp iritu ality and usefulness; And yet, w hat comparison is th e re between in­ ju ry to our piety and sp iritu al power? We can afford to sicken and die. We can afford to fail in business and be poor th e balance of our time in this world; but we cannot afford not to be p ray erfu l— not to be pious, godly, holy, and undefiled.— Gospel Herald. CHURCH PESTS They sit in th e seat of pestilence, who fill th e church w ith th e opinions of philosophers, w ith th e trad ition s of men, and w ith th e counsels of th e ir own brain, and oppress m iserable con­ sciences, setting aside, all the while, the word of God, by which alone th e soul is fed, lives, and is preserved.—M artin Luther.

(Acts 15:14; Rom. 11:25.) '‘Know­ ing th e te rro r of th e Lord we per­ suade men” (2 Cor. 5 :1 1 ). “We are made all things to all men th a t we m ight save some” (1 Cor. 9 :2 2 ). Christ did no t commission H is disciples to bring th e whole world to th e Gospel (fo r th is could no t be, never has been and will not be in th is age) b u t to take the Gospel to th e whole world as a w itness (Mt. 28 :19 ; 2 4 :1 4 ). Not every creatu re will accept th e Gos­ pel (Mk. 1 6 :15 ). 18. Does th e pre-mJlleiinial belief agree w ith th e facts as noted in th e daily new spapers and w ith th e facts of Christian life an d experience? It does. It faces facts as they are. The effects of the blessed hope are seen in life and practice. It honors the Word of God, exalts th e person of Christ, provides a powerful incentive to holiness of life and is th e inspiration of Chris­ tia n missions. I t has been believed by the world’s most famous soul w inners. THE REAL HERO Chaffed by four of th e older men in the work on account of his smallness of statu re, a lad quietly replied, “ I can do something th a t none of you four can do.” In terested , they pressed for his reply. “ I can keep from sw earing.” “This is th e victory” (1 Thess. 5 :4 .)

Dr. Torrej) and Dr. Atkinson in Ckina The following ex tract from a le tte r w ritten aboard ship, shows th a t Dr. Torrey and Dr. A tkinson, from the ou tset of th e ir trip to China, have been busy embracing God-sent opportunities. Dr. Torrey has evidently been so busily occu­ pied he h as had little chance to w rite a t length concerning th e venture. He says: “ I have had unusual opportunities on th e ship for testimony. I was asked to give th e F o u rth of Ju ly oration, which gave me an opportunity to preach Christ and bring in th e V irgin B irth, etc. The captain and all th e leading officers were present, Jews, Mohammedans, Buddhists, etc. As yesterday was the g reat F rench B astile holiday, we celebrated th a t too, and again I was called on to be the o rato r of the day and got some Gospel in .” The first Sunday we were in Honolulu and I preached twice. L ast Sunday I preached in th e morning and p retty much every one came, and Dr. A tkinson held a song service a t n igh t and almost every one came. I am on the P rogram Com­ m ittee and consulted about everything th a t is p u t on every day of th e week. Have had many personal talks. The men come to me; I don’t have to go to them . Dr. A tkinson had some long personal talk s w ith Theosophists and others.

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