COPYING CHRIST We have passed th rough a decade or two of .preaching th e ethics of Jesus. We have been told, and are being told, it is a g reat m istake to exalt th e death of Jesus. W hat the world needs is to copy th e life o f Christ. Will all th e good people who copy the life of Christ please stand? We would like to look a t you. Have you read th e life of Jesus? You have read He w ent about doing good. You th ink of the expression do ing good as meaning th e bestowing of little kindnesses 3.8 He went along. No doubt th e Christ went out of the way to perform little though tfu l deeds bu t they are not w ritten in the story. Ac cording to th e record given in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, H is good deeds were MIRACLES. He never gave money to a blind man -—He gave him new eyes. He never dropped a dollar in th e box to help pay th e fun eral expenses of a widow’s son. He gave life to th e corpse. He never hu rried out a t n igh t to get th e doctor for a sick neighbor. He was th e doctor. He never helped some old lame man across th e street. He ironed ou t th e limp. If you know anyone doing good on th is plan send me his address. I ’ll walk a hundred miles to see him. There are some who imagine they are copying Christ, and loving th e ir neighbor as themselves, when they give
away th e ir cast-off garm ents, and out of th e ir abundance give to the poor. Away w ith such nonsense. L et’s face facts. Jesu s Christ practiced the ethics of the Sermon on th e Mount bu t you don’t. Give up everything you have and you are still a thousand miles or so sho rt of th a t Life. I t is fair to assume Jesus knew some th ing of th e meaning of H is own life. Would it not be proper to Stress the things He emphasized? He magnified His death. Have you noticed w hat a large p a rt of the story of th e New Tes tam en t is given to His death and to the events leading up to it? Jesu s didn’t say He came to bring an example of life. He said He came to bring life itself. If you have nothing b etter th a n the life of Christ you must forever hang your head in shame, as you see how far sh o rt you come of God’s S tandard Man. T hank God we have something b etter. “F o r he h ath made him to be sin for us, ,,who knew no sin ; th a t we m ight be made rig h t eousness of God in him .” —W. H. Houghton. ROOM FOR ANOTHER A man said to a m inister: “ I ’d join the church if it wasn’t so full of hypo crites.” “T hat needn’t d eter you,” re plied th e m inister. “There’s always room for one more.”
Tombstones, Theological Cemeteries, Etc. One of the ghastliest things about a cemetery, is th e waste of labor, m aterial and money evidenced in th e monuments and mausoleums crowded and jumbled tog eth er in an unimpressive exhibition of th e stone c u tte r’s industry. Some of them singly, and w ith proper surroundings, m ight appeal to th e aesthetic sense. In th e usual cemetery conditions, these monuments offend th e sense of beauty, and everyone knows they fail in th e permanency desired by those who erect them . But th ere are some monuments th a t are imperishable and eternal. Do you want erect one th a t will stand the te st of tim e? Then, instead of pu tting your money into tombstones and the like, p u t it into an in stitu tion th a t stands for th e E tern al Word of God, and th a t is spreading it to th e u tterm o st p arts of th e earth by every possible means. One of those in stitu tion s is th e B I O L A.
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