King's Business - 1919-10


BIBLE IN ST ITUTE H A P P EN IN G S Particularly of Interest to Friends and Students


Teachers’ T raining Class. O tto P . H irschler— Piano, Pipe Or­ gan, Harmony, Composition.


Send a t once for a program of th e g reat Bible conference a t the Bible In­ stitu te of Los Angeles. The principal speakers will be: Dr. Mark A. Matthews of Seattle. Dr. W. B. Riley of Minneapolis. Dr. F rench Oliver of Pasadena. Dr. A. C. Dixon of London. O ther noted Bible In stru cto rs will have p art in the program which is being made up as we go to press. The Bible In stitu te Calendar for 1919-1920 is as follows: F all-te rm opens September 24, 1919. 1919: W in ter term , begins F riday, Janu ary 2, 1920. Spring term , begins Wednesday, April 7, 1920. The faculty for th e p resen t year has been announced as follows: R. A. Torrey— Bible Doctrine, Book Studies, Textual and L iterary Criticism, Bible Teachers’ T raining Class, Bible Analysis. R alph A tkinson—Homiletics, Person­ al Work, Evangelism . Jo h n H. H un ter— Chapter Summary, Bible Synthesis, Biblical Introduction, Church H istory, Missions, Christian Evidences. Thomas C. H orton— P ractical Meth­ ods of Work, P asto ral Theology, Work for Young Men. A. C. Dixon— Book Studies. J . Clyde Stillion— p ractical Methods of Christian-W ork for Men, Calisthenics. Mrs. Zella M. H all— Supt. of Women. W illiam H. P ik e— Bible Doctrine, P ersonal Work, Book Studies. K eith L. B rooks— Bible Doctrine, P ersonal Work, Book Studies. H. A. Dowling— Sunday School Or­ ganization and Methods; Psychology, Pedagogy. L u lu F alls Curry— Public Speaking. Jo h n B. T rowbridge—Notatioii, H ar­ mony, Voice Culture, Conducting, Music

As m ight have been expected,' the rate s for room and board for students were raised th is year, in spite of every economy th a t could be made. The rate as announced is $7 per week. This rate,- in view of th e living costs in other places, is reasonable indeed. I t includes good sub stan tial meals, and rooms fitted up w ith steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold w ater. The Bible In stitu te m ust expend for each studen t, over and above the am ount paid by them for board and room between $150 and $200 each year to cover ,the salaries of the faculty and other expenses pertain ing to the' course. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Coffey have taken up work a t Lewellen, Nebr., where Mr. Coffey has accepted a call as pastor of th e B aptist church. Rev. H erb ert Scott o'f W hitesburg, Ky„ in a le tte r to The K ing’s Business tells some in teresting things about his work w ith th e mountain whites. , He says: “The people are about as back­ w ard as in any p a rt of th e world and worse th a n th e heathen in th a t they have a corrupted form of Christianity, which makes them all th e h ard e r to reach w ith the tru th . “They are mostly followers of the H ardshell B aptists who teach th a t God saves whom He will and creates the others to be damned, and it does not make any difference w hat you do you cannot ajlter this, and if you are called of God you will have a w onderful ex­ perience, mostly some kind of a dream . Then we have The Old R egular Bap­ tists, who have broken away from the H ardshells; they believe th a t salvation is provided for all in Jesus b u t the way

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