th ird year as pastor a t S trathm ore, Cal., B aptist Church, where, he has had m arked success. . Rev. Jason Steer, has completed his course a t th e N orthern B aptist Semin ary and accepted a call to th e B aptist church of Middleville, Mich. Rev. Alex. Saunders of th e China In land Mission w rites th a t they have opened a new Gospel hall in Shanghai.. During th e th ree weeks th a t meetings had been held th e re had been a nightly average attendance of 260 men, mostly of th e business and lite ra ti classes. The resu lts of th e work have been most encouraging and a class for instruction of converts has grown out of th e meet ings, assembling Sunday afternoons. Mr. and Mrs. Saunders have been active in tak ing p a rt in Bible conferences in vari ous cities. They were looking forw ard w ith eagerness to the coming of Dr. Torrey and Dr. A tkinson. Married, Ju ly 10, Jam es Forshaw , 1919, and Miss P o rtia M. U lrich, of Sierre Madre; California. Wm. Migeot, Jr., who is doing pioneer work in B ritish Columbia, w rites th a t his field covers 120 miles along th e railroad, and th a t he greatly needs th e prayers of his In stitu te friends. His perm anent location is Ter race, B. C. Miss E lla G. Sharpe, 1918, located a t Roselea, Sask., says th a t she is fifteen m iles from a railroad, preaching Christ to th e people in country school houses. She preaches th ree tim es each Sunday and drives th irty miles over rough roads alone to do it. Rev. Geo. Allan of th e Bolivian In dian Mission .w rites of some marvelous conversions in his field and asks the prayers of studen ts th a t th e eyes th a t are so blind in th a t country, may be opened to th e Gospel. Mr. A llan has ju st completed a tran slation of th e New Testam ent into th e Quichua language. The following is a sample of le tte rs received from m issionaries expressing appreciation of The K ing’s Business sent to them th rough th e gifts of friends. “F o r several months we have been visited by The K ing’s Business gratis. We do not know th rough whom th is g ift comes to us, b u t we desire to say th a t it is one of th e most acceptable gifts we m ight receive. The exposi tions on th e Sunday School lessons are a g reat help to us. May th e Lord bless
Or. Ralph Atkinson you get it is by experience and th a t experience runs all th e way from faith in th e atonem ent, to some wonderful dream , th e dream preferred, and both th e R egulars and th e H ardshells are agreed in th a t they don’t believe in Missions and they call Sunday Schools everything th a t is bad, and the preacher who expects a salary for his services is worse th a n an infidel, and many of th eir preachers cannot read nor w rite, and they pride them selves on th e ir ignor ance, saying th a t the college train ed preacher is only rep eating word for word w hat he has heard in school and th a t th e re is nothing of the Holy Spirit about such preaching. If it were not for th e seriousness of th e situ ation it would be laughable, b u t th e sad p art of it all is th a t they have a g rea t hold on the people, and they will go for miles to th e ir services. It is h ard to realize th a t here in th is country we have such conditions.” Mr. and Mrs. W. A. H ick le ft July 30 for Canada, where afte r visiting th e ir parents, they will sail for China, beginning work in th e F all under th e China Inland Mission. Rev. V irgil Snow is beginning his
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