COUNTERFEIT PRAYERS When we are in doubt about the an swers given to prayer, let us change the point of doubt, and fix it in our own prayers themselves, and say w ith profit able frankness to our own souls, “The prayer was bad; th e prayer was selfish; th e p ray er was not offered in th e rig h t m anner; th e prayer was an effort in words; it was not th e sacrifice of a humble, meek, holy, contrite h e a rt.” If we fix our atten tio n on th a t point, the whole atm osphere of our questioning will be changed.— Joseph P ark er, D.D.
th e magazine in its every departm ent and make its message te ll for the salva tion of souls and th e edification of thou sands of th e saints. E stella Zimmer man, Guatemala City, Cen. Amer.” An other m issionary w rites from South America: “ I t seems quite significant th a t our year in The K ing’s Business should have commenced w ith th e num ber containing th e exam ination of the Rom anist teachings, as we especially need in concise form as p rin ted in your magazine th e very points from God’s Word, which are so ably b rough t to g eth er and classified according to the distinct claims of Romanism , which they refu te.”—Abram T reichler.
A PLEA FOR MORE PRATER ^ \ O T the heathen world alone, b u t th e whole world, is fast be- [ ■ coming one vast m issionary field. The leaven of apostasy has <1 - X, all b u t corrupted the en tire mass of w hat we call Christendom . .T h ere are over a q u arte r of a m illion P ro testan t congregations in the world, and it is safe to say th a t a t least four out of every five have become tain ted w ith false doctrine, and th a t thousands of th e s e , congregations have gone almost bodily into apostasy. This is why we say th a t the whole world is fast becoming one vast m issionary field. It will soon be as necessary to send orthodox m issionaries to a heterodox P ro testan tism as to send m issionaries to Romanism or Mohammedanism or paganism . If you don’t believe this, read the following utteran ces quoted recently in th e “Alliance W eekly” ''-^rem em b ering th a t these are th e u tteran ces of m inisters “ cradled and ordained in evangelical churches,” and th a t th e re are m ultitudes 'of preachers who profess to believe and who ta lk as b latan tly as these men: Says one m in ister: “ I no longer preach the entire acceptance of the Bible. I do no t preach the heaven and hell of the Bible, and I do n o t know any w o rth while preachers who do.” Says a second: “ I do not believe in the doctrine of salvation by blood. T hank God, I am not saved by the blood of any one. Salvation by blood is th e gospel of th e butchershop.” Says a th ird : “Heaven is an an tiquated theory of a spiritualized roof-garden th a t has long been exploded. The Holy S pirit is b u t a shadowy, impersonal influence of negligible value, and th e doctrine of a retu rn in g Christ is a foolish and fo rlo rn hope.” We shudder to reproduce such blasphem ies as th e foregoing, and would no t do it except to show how far th e professing Christian world is getting from th e cross of Christ and how infinitely u rg en t is the need of a kind of prayer different from th a t which most Christians offer. If we w ant to see m ighty wonders of Divine grace and power w rought in th e place of weakness, failu re and disappointment, le t th e whole Church answ er God’s standing challenge: ‘CALL UNTO ME AND I W ILL ANSWER THEE, AND SHOW THEE GREAT AND MIGHTY THINGS, WHICH TROU KNOWEST NOT.’ (Jer. 3 3 :3 . j ” P ray for a heaven-sent revival in th e body of Christ; and to th is end pray for th e w idest possible circulation of th e prayer lite ra tu re of the Great Commission Prayer League 808 North La Salle S treet Chicago, 111.
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