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E Evangelistic Department INTEREST ING STORIES from REAL EXPERIENCE 81 A S T O L D B Y B I B L E I N S T I T U T E W O R K E R S
Testam ent Method in Revivals The Secretary has had the privilege of holding evangelistic meetings during the la st few months, where the Pocket Testam ent League has been introduced a t the beginning of the TESTAMENT campaign. As many LEAGUE members as possible were secured and these new members imm ediately commenced to sign up others, especially th e un saved. Every n igh t th e League was mentioned and stories of th e work told, so th a t as a resu lt personal work was promoted and definite soul-saving work was accomplished by the people them selves. Every convert was urged to join. The best p art of th e work, however, has been done by th e people a fte r the meetings were closed. The League steadily grew in each place during the meetings and has continued to carry on a revival of soul w inning ever since. Reports have come in telling of the work done by the young converts and of more souls saved th rough th e T esta ments. An excellent illu stration of th e wis dom of carrying the T estam ent and reading it everywhere comes from th e S ecretary’s own experience. Often the way for definite conversation w ith some one is brought about when we are seen reading th e Book. The man or woman th a t we would like to speak to will ask a question about w hat we are reading. A conductor on the stree t car leaned over the shoulder of th e Secretary, who was reading his Testament, and said “U nderstandest thou w hat thou read- e s t? ” A fter a conversation w ith him ' about th e Book, (for he was a Chris tia n ) th e Secretary told him about the League and though he had a Testam ent w ith him, he gladly joined th e League for he saw the possibilities of personal work through th a t agency. He took a Testam ent, prom ising to try to g et his m otorm an to join. He repo rted later th a t though the m otorm an would not join, he had had th e opportunity to ta lk to him about the Lord th a t he had wanted for a long time. He h adn ’t known how to approach the man, bu t
w ith th e T estam ent found it very easy. In a few days he signed up a conductor who had been a backslider. One young woman, a very tim id mem ber of the P o c k e t, T estam ent League, saw a man chopping down a tree in fron t of h er house. She w ent out to ask if she could have th e wood to bu rn and the man was kind enough to carry the wood back into th e yard as well as say th a t she could have it for nothing. W anting to do something for him in retu rn , she remembered th e little Testa m ent and very tim idly offered one to him. He looked a t it and said he would be glad to have it and when she got the courage to ask him to sign th e pledge he did th a t also. Then she felt th a t she must m ention th e back page and the decision blank, so she asked him to look a t it. He did and th en said, “Do you know th a t I have been o u t h ere in Cali fo rn ia fo r th re e years w ith my w ife and children and none of us have been inside of a church. I w ill sign th is an d next Sunday we go to church.” y . y . MORGAN, Sec’y. New Q u artette on th e Road The F isherm en ’s Club Quartet, con sisting of E dgar W illiamson, P eter E it- zen, Hugh Andrews and A. N. Willems, rep o rt th a t they have been having a w onderful tim e giv- FISHERMEN’S ing th e Gospel in CLUB song and testimony, as they go from place to place in th e auto which a good friend gave th e In stitu te for th is p u r pose. Their first meeting was held in th e P resby terian Church a t Van Nuys, th e Alliance Church co-operating. The messages here were given by Rev. Ver non Morgan, th e Pacific Coast Super intenden t of th e Pocket Testam ent League, and a Bible In stitu te graduate. The p asto r of the church warm ly com mended the young men a t th e close of th e week’s meetings, urging Mr. Mor gan to come back some tim e and hold a series of evangelistic meetings in his church.
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