T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S Beaumont was th e ir next stopping place and here, also, they m et w ith g reat success, th e pastor, of th e church in which th e meetings were held giving his testim ony a t th e close th a t he hoped all who had attended had received as much blessing as he him self— an “ old h ard sh ell” as he expressed it— had, and giving them a cordial invitation to re tu rn . A t San Diego th e meetings were held in a B aptist Church w ithou t a pastor, and here, also, they were greatly blessed in th e ir service. F rom San Diego th e Q uartet went to Reedley in th e n o rth ern p art of the S tate for a two weeks’ series of meet ings, Mr. Morgan’s place being taken by Marion H. Reynolds, also a gradu ate of th e In stitu te, and now one of the w orkers in its Evangelistic D epartment. The meetings a t Reedley are being held in th e Mennonite B reth ren Church, and good repo rts come from th e work being done there. O ther places to be visited by them are Turlock and the several cities and towns in th e Bay D istrict around San Francisco. Definite resu lts obtained a t th e th ree places named, Van Nuys, Beaumont and San Diego, are as follows: Conversions ......... 48 S u rre n d e rs .................................42 Volunteers for life service....18 Members of Pocket Testa m ent League ............. 80 Isn ’t th a t worth while? And will you not pray th a t these young men may be a blessing to the young people whose lives they are thu s privileged to touch? & Incidents R elated by th e W orkers It was a t th e close of a Bible class and we sat and talked of many things which girls find interesting. She was a most in teresting and intelligent girl, had travelled a good deal BIBLE! and read more; she had at- WOMEN tended church and Sunday , School, b u t no one had ever brought her face to face w ith a decision for Jesus Christ; in fact, she did not know God’s plan of salvation. She was eager for th e tru th and when she had it from His Word, she gladly received Him as her Saviour and went away tru ly “ a new creatu re in Christ Je su s” to bring others to a class where such blessings were received and such tru th s taugh t.
913 The Bible Woman was sittin g in the weekly repo rt and prayer meeting of th e workers, when th e Lord laid it very specially on h er h e a rt to sign up a cer tain gentlem an and his wife in the Pocket T estam ent League. The T esta m ent was given to th e gentlem an first and his atten tion was called to th e back page where th e re is a blank to sign ac cepting Christ as •Saviour. The Bible Woman said, “ I do hope you will sign th a t some day, and I would like to know when you do.” ' A few days la te r th e wife was vis ited and a T estam ent given to her. The husband was standing n ear as the w orker showed th e wife the la st page and its im po rtan t pledge. “ J u st as I said to your hu sband” explained’ the Bible Woman, “ so I hope you will sign th a t some day.” “Oh,” quickly an swered the man “th a t’s signed up al rea d y !” - Ju s t six weeks afte r th a t, news came of th is m an’s serious illness, followed closely by his untim ely death. Then th e w orker humbly th ank ed God th a t she had obeyed th e imperative call to give th e Gospel invitation before it was etern ally too late. A lady who had led a gay, careless life, free from care, said th a t for years she would often be dressing for a party, or attend ing to th e m aking of h er dresses, when such a gloom would set tle over her as she could not account for. One day, while th ink ing on the subject, she said something seemed to say to h er “You need Jesu s.” “And w h at did you do th e n ? ” th e worker asked. “Why, I ju s t took H im” was the reply, “ and then someone invited me to a Bible class and I have been digging a t th e Book ever since, and my life is so changed and satisfied now. Every th ing is tru ly new to me, and the old things have passed away.” Calling one afternoon, a w orker hesi tated as to w hether or not she would walk to the end of a long lot, where a tiny bungalow seemed to be hidden by trees and shrubbery, bu t felt led to do so and going in, found a homesick, sad little woman. A fter a sho rt conversa tion, it seemed easy to te ll her about Jesus and her need of Him and how He satisfies, so th a t before th e visit was ended, w ith tears runn ing down her face, she received Him as her Lord and Saviour. How refreshed and glad the worker was th a t she had no t gone by! A young girl of fifteen years who not only has had no Christian influence in
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