914 her home, bu t whose m other is hostile to attem p ts made by others to give h er children religious instruction, found lie r way into a g irl’s Sunday School class one day, th e teacher of th e class being an eager and interested member of a Bible study class which m et one afternoon each week in her own home. Under her teaching, th is u n ta u g h t girl became keenly in terested in the Bible and the Christian life. Not daring to let h er mother know of h er new in te r ests and desires, she would flee for help and counsel to the home of another Christian woman, who was also a mem ber of th e Neighborhood Bible Class. The young g irl and her fam ily have re cently removed to a d istan t p a rt of th e State and secreted among h er own pri vate belongings, the eager young Chris tia n has tak en w ith her a copy of th e Pocket Testam ent. God g ran t th a t not only th is child, bu t h er whole fam ily may yet find life in th e Word.— Mrs. T. C. Horton, Supt. Sp iritual H unger Among Mexicans “ I m ust work th e works of Him th a t sent me while it is day; th e night cometh, when no man can w ork.” Somehow th is word of th e Master has gripped us in such a man- SPANISH n er th a t we have felt re- WORK lu c tan t to even lay off for a two weeks’ vacation. The Lord has given us joy in His ser vice because of th e fact th a t so many precious souls are being saved, and th e opportunity of organizing Bible classes among th e converts. We are often asked, “Do the converts sta n d ? ”: It has been a source of satis faction to see th e converts grow, also testifying before the men w ith whom they labor. In one of th e camps we have a group of men and each tim e we hold a service th e re these converts stand w ith us, help us in th e singing, and when we give th e invitation they, too, ask th e men to come and receive th e Lord as th e ir Saviour. There is a difference in the faces of those who have accepted th e Saviour; th e appear ance of discontent is all tak en away and it is a delight to be in th e ir company. In a form er article, we made men tion of a man and his wife who ac cepted th e Lord and were looked upon as heretics by th e ir friends. The hus band accepted Christ and afterw ard s was quite ill and told us' th a t th e doctor was goihg to tak e him to th e hospital
T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S the next day, bu t we had prayer w ith him and asked th e Lord if He would, besides saving his soul, also heal his body. In a recent visit to th is couple, they both testified to th e g reat joy and contentm ent experienced since th a t Sun day when we prayed for them because th e Lord had healed him and he did not have to go to th e hospital. Surely, th is is a service worth while. In one Mexican colony th e people have ,asked us if we could no t come oftener. Each tim e when we get th ere and s ta rt th e singing, the people get th eir chairs and boxes and about twenty- five little to ts sit on th e ground a t our feet. Nothing is being done for this p articu lar colony by any church, and we cannot visit them oftener th an once a week w ith the message. Truly, th e re is a hunger upon th e people. Of course, when we first pre sent a message th e re is a sp irit of in difference, bu t as we continue to give th e Gospel from week to week th is changes to a sp irit of inquiry and hung er to know more, and then event ually some make the glad decision. Recently we had a group of about seventy-five men in ano th er colony. We had a cornetist and o rg an ist to play and th e young men gathered around and sang w ith us most heartily. As we con tinue to visit th is colony we are tru s t ing th a t some of these young men will accept the Saviour. W ill you not pray earnestly for these people who are tru ly shepherdless, and of whom it can be said th a t no one cares for th e ir souls? Surely, th e Lord h ath done g reat things for us whereof we are glad, and we desire to th a n k Him for the privilege of being one of His little messengers, and ascribe to Him all the honor and glory.— R. H. Bender, Supt. A S treet Car Experience “ You seem to have very tak ing ways” we said to the bright-faced conductor as he held out his h an d for our nickel. “Sure, I tak e everything th a t’s given me.” “Do you really mean SHOP th a t? ” we asked as the WORK nickel changed hands. “Of course I do.” “Well, if th a t’s the case will you take th is? ” as we reached for our ex tra copy of the Pocket Testament. Taking it from our hands and discovering its natu re, he looked ra th e r surprised. “Why yes, I ’ll take it.” “B u t will you read it? ”
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