King's Business - 1919-10


T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S I t would be ridiculous. It is ju s t as ridiculous to say we “ hope,” “ believe,” “ tr u s t” we are saved, when we have th e sure word of Jesus. Oh no, dear friends, we are H is real friends when we tru s t Him and H is word. We not only tru s t Him for salvation, b u t we tru s t Him all the time. If we are in sorrow, tria l, suffering, or per­ secution, we’ll tru s t and not be afraid. W hat do we find? There are many pro­ fessing friendship w ith th e Lord Jesus and yet when some one does something to them or fails to do something, they blame it all on Christ and are offended in Him. Death comes in and takes away a loved one and instead of tru stin g Jesus, although not understand ing why He should take the loved one, we feel b itter against Christ and question His wisdom and love and cease to tru s t Him altogether. This only proves we are not really friends of H is and have never tru sted Him, or we would not question Him because we lose a loved one. To suspect a person is not to tru s t him. To be all th e tim e questioning His dealings w ith us is sure proof we are no t tru s t­ ing Him. If we are really His friends, it will he This is only one side of it. We have every rig h t to tru s t Him. He never betrayed a tru st. He never was untrue. We could never tru s t Him too much or too far. Oh, it’s safe to tru st Him fully and w ith everything. The o ther side is this. If We are tru e friends of His, He will tru st us. Can He? Can the Lord depend on you? There are many who claim they tru s t Him, h u t does th e Lord find them tru stw o rthy? The Lord was in Jerusalem holding services and we read “many believed (tru ste d ) in Him, h u t Jesu s did not commit him self unto (tru s t) them be­ cause he knew all.” Isn ’t th a t very significant? You know th ere are some “T ru sting as th e moments fly, T ru sting as th e days go by, T ru sting Him w hate’e r befall, T ru sting Jesus, th a t is all.”

Ascent of Man. Jesus says he was cre­ ated by God, in God’s image, and fell and is still falling. Not falling up as some would have us believe, hu t falling, the only way anyone can fall—Down. R eject all th is as a slander on hum anity, b u t by doing so, you only succeed in dem onstrating th e tru th concerning yourself if you still claim friendship, while denying His tru th . There must be m utual, pure, un adu lt­ erated tru th if we are really His friends. Let me repeat it. He will never sacri­ fice His tru th and become a lia r to secure your favor or friendship. Never! F riend sh ip Depends on Confidence. There is ano th er very essential ele­ m ent in friendship and th a t is tru s t or confidence. There are those who claim friendship w ith us who do no t tru s t us very much and sometimes we cannot tru s t them very far. We can never he tru e friends of th e Lord Jesus unless we tru s t Him fully and He tru sts us. I t is m u tu al tru st. I tru s t H im and He tru sts me. I tru s t Him w ith my soul. I tru s t Him for salvation. If we try to save ourselves by good works and doing our best, we are no t H is friends, be­ cause we are no t tru stin g Him. If we can save ourselves, why did He d ie ? ' There are those who call them selves His friends, b u t are not dead sure they are saved and yet He says they have ever­ lasting life and shall never perish be­ cause they believe. Would you believe a person believed, tru ste d you, if they would not believe your word? Do you th in k Jesus believes we tru st Him when we won’t believe His word? If we be­ lieve not His word, we make H im a liar. Could He accept us as His friends while we’re doubting His word? We say we “believe” we are saved, we “hope” we are saved. We “th in k ” we are saved, we “tru s t” we are saved, h u t th e very words we use and th e way we u tte r them convey to all who h ear us th a t we are no t sure we are saved. T h at is not tru stin g Jesus. You wouldn’t say you “ hoped” you were married, if you were.

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