King's Business - 1919-10



American ancestry shall no t count ag ain st candidates for public office. No one shall be deprived of life or lib erty for failu re to sing “The S tar Spangled B anner” correctly. No new religion may be sta rted w ith­ ou t a vote of approval from two-thirds of those already in existence. “COM” AND “O” MISSION The two missions th a t every Christian should carefully avoid are Corn-mission and O-mission, for both have nothing b u t darkness and death as a final re­ ward. Corn-mission. Sin is th e tran sg res­ sion of th e law, a going beyond the prescribed lim its, a laying hold of the forbidden thing. Through th is mission Adam and his posterity lost th e best God had given them , and were driven from th e place of intimacy w ith th e di­ vine, to face sorrow , suffering, and death. Through th is mission the ma­ jo r p a rt of th e kingdom was lost to Solomon’s posterity. Achan perished and his fam ily w ith him by grasping th e forbidden thing. The suffering th a t has come to the world th rough th is m is­ sion m ust be left for heaven to tabulate. O-mission. This is a coming short of th e m ark, a failu re to meet requ ire­ ments. There are many who have a wholesome fear of th e first mission who seem to have h u t little concern for th e second. They pride themselves on th e ir ability to avoid transgression, and act as if th is were th e only kind of sin to be considered. The sin th a t causes the axe laid a t th e roo t of th e tree to be used in its destruction is th e sin of omission, failu re to bear fruit,;—H. V. Andrews. iH

ing ship. We took out a boat and res­ cued you. Yes, we saved you, Sir.” The Captain said to me, “ I t was all gradually coining back to my memory. So I asked him to leave me alone for a little while. He did so, and then I prayed to God. I said ‘O God, you have saved my life, when I was not ready to die. Now, I beseech thee to save my soul. O Lord, save my so u l!” “ I prayed long and earnestly, desper­ ately. And then I made a vow. I said, ‘If you will save my soul now, I will serve you w ith my whole h e a rt stead­ fastly as long as I live.’ Then I made ano th er vow. I de­ term ined fh at th e first money I spent should be on a picture th a t would re­ m ind me always of th a t experience and those resolutions. T h at is th e history of mv cu rtain ed picture. I t may be useful to you.” I th anked him for his though tfu l kindness in telling me th e story of th a t never-to-be-forgotten scene, and I asked him one question, which I though t was im portant. I said, “Do you wish me to keep th is story a secret, or may I rep eat it? ” He replied, “Oh, by all means te ll it. Certainly let it he known. I t may make others th ink , as it has made me th in k .” Reader, aTe you hanging between heaven and hell, tim e and eternity, w ithout God and w ithout hope? Drop into th e arm s of Jesus Christ, th e Lamb of God who h eareth away th e sin of the world, and all will be well. “P repare to m eet thy God.”— Contributed by Lady Hope, L. A. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS The ed ito r of “L ife” says nothing seems easier in these days th a n to amend th e Constitution of the United States. The following amendments, he therefo re proposes:

I t would be COMMITTING an omis­ sion to OMIT read ing th e first editorial.

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