The Chosen People,The Land and {he Book Notes Concerning the Jev?s and Prophecÿ
T raining Jew ish Workers. The need of special train ing for Jew ish w orkers was strongly emphasized a t Edinburgh a t a conference recently held. There is not on ea rth a school prepared to tra in workers for th e Jew- . ish field. The In stitu tion Judaicum a t Leipzig did some fine work, b u t came under the influence of higher criticism , and now the w ar has stopped its activ ity. P ray th a t something be done look ing tow ard real provision for the prep aration of candidates for th e needy Jew ish field. Jew ish Bolsheviks. The Jews are seeking to disassociate themselves from Bolshevikism as far as possible and point out th a t although T rotzky and Zinovieff are Jews, Lenine is th e son of a Russian landed proprie tor, T chitcherin of a Russian nobleman and Lom archarski, Tomski and Rikov are non-Jews. They fear th a t when the inevitable fall of the Bolsheviki Gov ernm en t comes, th e stored-up hate ag ain st it— th e general disgust and hor ro r a t its cruelty, inefliciency and sel fishness— will fall upon Jewry. It is said th a t Jews constitute a t least 60 per cent' of the, comm issars and members of the Soviets. Jew ish Scheme in P alestine. Rev. W. J. Couper warns againsf the Jew ish action in th e Holy Land as in some ways a cunningly devised plan for carrying out selfish aims and bringing abou t religious oppression in th e name of liberty. He stated th a t th e organiza tion of Jew ish teaching was being devel oped in such a way as to prevent any Jew ish child ever coming und er th e in fluence of Christian teaching. Jew ish F lag on th e Seas. The Jew ish flag on the high seas is a
new th ing in in tern ation al life. Pas senger and cargo vessels of Jew ish own ership, plying between Jaffa, Constan tinople and Odessa, have received per mission from th e B ritish au tho rities to fly th e Jew ish flag. This is a clear in dication of th e budding of Jew ish n a tionalism , and w arns us th a t the fulfill m ent of prophecy will no t be slow from now on. Jews Going Home Too F ast. » A little while ago opposers of the Zionist movement objected th a t no Jews would w ant to go back to P alestine, bu t the press despatches sta te th a t an a t tem pt is being made to lim it Jew ish im m igration into P alestine to 50,000 per year. Rom anist Schemes fo r P alestine. Cardinal Mercier has accepted the honorary presidentship and M. Joseph Reinach, the presidentship of a newly formed society bearing th e name of “ F riend s of th e Holy Land.” The ob ject, of the Society is to oppose ener getically any public or secret constitu tion for the creation of a denom ina tional S tate in P alestine, and to labor for th e continued maintenance of th a t country as an in teg ral portion of Syria, which has for centuries been bound by th e closest ties to F rance. F u rth e r, in th e event of th is solution of .th e ques tion, justified both on geographical and histo rical grounds, not being arrived at, the Society will strive to obtain for P alestine an autonomous system of gov ernment. A S triking Prophecy. A special m issioner from P alestine to America, Yehudah Barak, speaking in Boston recently, u ttered a strik ing prophecy, the fulfillment of which will be looked for w ith in terest by others be-
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