soil, would undoubtedly extend its lights far dovtfn th e unseen corridors of time and illum ine and give encouragem ent to th e yet unborn.” How typical of th e vision of a man “ under the su n ” (Eccles. 1. 3). On the o th er hand, we see forces “ above the sun ” moving in th e direction of a spot “ beau tifu l for situation and th e ^joy of Two thousand Christians recently as sembled a t th e Jew ish P rophetic Con ference held a t Moody Bible In stitu te, Chicago, passed resolutions expressing th e ir sympathy w ith th e Jew ish people. P a rt of th e resolutions follow: “ Be it resolved th a t we pledge our selves daily to pray to th e God of Abra ham , Isaac and Jacob, th e God and F a th e r of our Lord Jesus Christ, David’s Son and David’s Lord, th a t th e day may speedily come when th e d ark shadows of 2000 years may flee a^ray, and the long prom ised day of righ teou sness and peace, may come for Isra el’s race, “WE also pledge ourselves to pray th a t th e h earts of th e beloved Jewish people may be tu rn ed to th e ir own sa cred Scripture, and th a t they may tu rn back to th e Law and to the testimony, so th a t they may see Him who is our Saviour and th e ir coming King, and learn from th e ir own prophets th a t which will soon come to pass. “AND FURTHERMORE be it re solved th a t we express in every other possible way our sympathy to th e Jew ish people in th e present crisis, doing whatsoever we can in th e ir behalf, and th a t a copy of these resolutions be sent to th e P residen t of the United S tates.” Surely a movement of th is kind may be regarded as a sign of th e times. th e ea rth .” (Psa. 48. 2). P ra y er fo r Jew ish People.
sides th e Jews them selves: “The day will come soon when in th e city of W ashington th e re will be a beau tifu l building, the home of th e ambassador of the Hebrew Republic, and above this building will wave th e beau tifu l flag of Rev. C. H. Gill, who has ju st retu rn ed from the Holy Land, m aintains th a t, in th e imm ediate fu tu re, th e best w orkers in th e Gospel cause should be available for Palestine, and particu larly for th e city of Jerusalem , which is th e new h ea rt of Jewry. So he said, a few days ago', from the platform of th e London Jews Society. He added, however: “ The Zionists, who are not professedly religious people, b u t simply b en t on na tionalism , are going to oppose us tooth and nail. When we understands and th in k of all they have suffered a t the hands of a nom inal Christianity, we bow our heads w ith shame, and do no t blame them . B u t we m ust recognize th e facts. The Zionists are going to oppose us, because they cannot distinguish between th e message of th e full Gospel of Christ and a persecuting Christianity, until they have had experience of it. It res'ts w ith us to give them a Christianity which will be a power to lead and direct them a rig h t.” W here W ill th e Capital Be? A well-known American sculptor in P aris has been givfcn much press pub licity in his advocacy of th e establish ment of a world capital in America. His idea is: “A, monumental, modern, hygienic city, so comprehensive and practical as to house and deal w ith those questions which are common to all peoples alike, and the solution of which is necessary for th e ir mental, physical, and sp iritu al progress. W'hy, should no t such a city be unveiled upon th e A tlantic coast? It would be in keeping w ith its noblest records of union and democracy, and th u s springing into rea lity from virgin Jud ea—white and blue.” The Gospel F o r P alestine.
A loving tru s t in th e A uthor of the Bible is th e best preparation for a wise study of th e Bible.
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