THE PREACHER’S DOCTRINE There are young preachers who do splendid work in th e h ard places where th e y begin th e ir pastoral work. They are opposed, found fa u lt w ith, are dis appointed about th e ir support, seem to be about to starve to death if they stay w ith th e work, b u t come out clean-cut and stra ig h t for th e old Gospel. Their courage and success und er these circum stances a ttra c t th e atten tion of larger churches, and they get a call to a good pastorate. Here they have a nice par sonage, ju s t adapted to th e ir needs. The finance comm ittee sees th a t th e ir rem un eration is paid on tim e each week, the elders commend them for th e ir ex cellent sermons. Outsiders who drop in to h ear the new preacher flatter his delivery and illu stration s. Carnal church members, cut to th e quick by his scathing denunciations of th e ir pet sins, fawn about him and get in on his social side, so his messages never cut them any more. A fter a while it is noticed, th a t, al most imperceptibly, th e new preacher is train in g to please th e people. He no longer goes to th e Throne to get his messages th e people need, welcome or unwelcome, b u t he, though still preach ing from text, though still declaring he has a message from God, th a t he says he got on his knees, is very evi dently catering to a certain class in th e church or outside of it th a t comes to h ear him . He still uses th e same form of sound words, still exhibits the old form s of earnestness, th e same ef fective gestures; bu t th e re is something lacking. The accompanying power of th e Holy Ghost th a t made men and women feel th e ir sins is gone and the words come from th e head only. All th is may ta k e place and th e young preaeher and his adm irers be scarcely conscious th a t something is wrong. But th e re is.— F riend Minister. n The Bible grows by being read.
Seven Wonders in Psalm 11 1 1. H is W ork— Recommended, Psalm 111:3. 2. H is R ighteousness — Rem aineth, Psalm III: 3. 3. H is C o v e n a n t — Remembered, Psalm I I I : 5. 4. H is Commandments—-R e 1 i a b 1 e, Psalm III: 7. 5. His People—Redeemed, Psalm III: 9. 6 . His Name— Reverend, Psalm I I I : 9. 7. His P raise— Repeated, Psalm III: 10. W. J. M. n .Seven Things of God 1. The W ill of God, 1 Cor. 1:1. * 2. The Church of God, 1 Cor. 1:2. 3. The F aith fu lness of God, 1 Cor. 1:9. 4. The Power of God, 1 Cor. 1:8. 5. The Wisdom of God, 1 Cor. 1:21. 6 . The Testimony of God, 1 Cor. 2:1. 7. The Deep Things of God, 1 Cor. 1:1. H. K. D. Josh. 1 :8 Satan has a m illion devices for draw ing one away from th e Bible. Joshua, th e busiest of men did ho t fall into th e devil’s net. 2. P ra y i t in Ps. 119:18,37,33,34,88,125,169 Ask th e Holy Spirit to read th e Bible to you. 1 Cor. 2:10-12. Jno. 16:13. 3. P u t it Down P s. 119:103 To get th e full benefit of th e flavor tu rn th e morsels over in your mouth. W orking ou t studies on paper is most beneficial. 4. W ork it Out Ps. 119:15 Of w hat use is th e bulls-eye if th e shooter does not have respect unto it? Let the life be a doing of w hat you learn. 5. P ass it On P s. 119:27 If the cow is no t m ilked she goes dry. Spiritual tru th is best retained by giving it away. K. L. B. Your Bible 1. Study it Through
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