T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
by th e Holy Spirit— and th is is very im po rtan t. The dove suggests th e char acter of H is service,— purity, gentleness, meekness. (2) FINDING AND FOLLOWING— A Lesson in Soul-W inning, vs. 35-51. 1. The F inger Post, “ Behold v. 36. 2. The F irs t Lesson “ Come and See” v. 39. 3. Fellowship W ith Jesus “They abode w ith H im” v. 39. 4. F inding th e B ro ther “H is own b ro th er” v. 41, 1. The F in g er Post. The life of a C hristian should be sp eaking'of Jesus; exciting inquiry; not directing atten tion to self. Self must be forgotten— buried. Never say “ see me,” b u t “ see Christ.” The life mes sage of believers is “behold!” W h at will people see when they be hold H im? (Heb. 1 2 :2 ). “Looking unto Jesus, th e au tho r and finisher of our faith , who, for th e joy th a t was set before him, endured th e cross, despising th e shame, and is set down a t th e rig h t hand of th e throne of God.” Also, Isa. 45 :22 ; Isa. 65:1, 2; 1 Pet. 1:19, 20. We are able to point men to th e Lamb of God. Remember th a t th is is th e first title given Him, and it is funda m ental. There is nothing g reat to do, — ju s t be a sign-post for Jesu s; be a voice. 2. The F irs t Lesson. “ Come and see.” The law of the new life is practical. It cam be p u t to th e test. Prove th e Word. The appeal is to th e reason, “ He th a t h a th ;” “To as many as receiv ed ;” “Come unto Me.” These prom ises are simple; capable of proof. John testified out of his own knowledge. God had spoken; he be lieved. 3. Fellow ship w ith Jesus. They abode w ith him th a t day. No mention is made of n igh t, for th e re can be no n igh t where He is.
W h at a day ! W hat a revelation! W hat a con trast between John th e Bap tis t and Jesus Christ! W hat trem end ous influences came from th a t contact. They were different men from th a t hour. (John 6 :3 7 ). “All th a t th e F a th e r giveth me, shall come unto me; and him th a t cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast ou t.” 4. F ind ing th e B rother. F ive things in connection w ith the approach to th e soul: F irs t— simplicity (v. 36) “ Behold.” Second— th e field; th e nearest neigh bor, your friend, a t your door, any where, everywhere. Th ird— the m anner; one by one. Most men are won by someone. All may share in th e privilege, all are respon sible, all are able. F o u rth— th e qualification; w itness of experience. Tell w hat you know. Have an experience; know som ething; know Christ; know you are saved; speak out of your h eart. F ifth— the method (v. 4 2 ); personal contact, “He brought him to Jesu s.” Six things in connection w ith th e soul’s approach to th e Saviour: F irs t— hearing the message (v. 37) “H eard him speak.” (Rom. 10:17) “ So, then, faith cometh by h earing .” Second— seeking personal acquaint ance (v. 38) “W here dwellest th o u ?” Third— meeting evidence of Deity, (v. 39). F o u rth— obeying call “Follow m e” (v. 43). F ifth— candid doubt dispelled, (v. 49). Sixth— omniscience proven, (vs. 48, 49). An analysis of th e first personal evan gelism : Follow ing H is baptism and tem p ta tion, Jesu s is walking n ear where John is preaching, and John bears testim ony of Him “ Behold the Lamb of God.” There was no resu lt th a t day. The next day, John saw Jesus again, and again
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