King's Business - 1919-10


T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

grapher, who was a P resby terian elder, said, “ I do no t know as it makes my faith any stronger, b u t it is very in­ teresting to know th a t even n atu re pro­ duces chem ically w hat th e Bible teaches spiritually. “Red on red makes w h ite.” Isa. 1 :18 ; 1 Jno. 1:7. Decision to Follow Christ Necessary. An infidel heard th e words, “Him th a t cometh unto Me I will in no wise cast o u t” and decided th en and th ere to come. “An old man lost a bank note in his b arn ; afte r searching h ard and long, he found it. A few days later, thinking of his sins, he asked his wife w hat he must do to become a Christian. She said, “ Seek Christ as you sought • to find the bank note.” , He followed h er advice and found th e Lord.” “An old man once prayed w ith a little boy, under a tree in th e field. Years later, when th is boy had grown to man­ hood, he visited the spot, and th e mem­ ories awakened by th e old tree led him to pray for himself, and th ere he found Christ.” The Inv itation s of Christ. “ Come and See.”— Jno. 1:39. “Come and R est.”— Matt. 11:28-30. “To be a seeker” said Oliver Crom­ well, “ is to be one of the best next to a finder, for every faith fu l, humble seeker shall be a finder a t last.” We may seek gold and no t get it. H ealth and yet pine in sickness. F riend s and seek them in vain. To seek God is to obtain His favor, to enjoy His smile, find mercy. “He will be found.” “ Seek and ye shall find.” “Andrew F in d eth H is Own B ro th er.” A boy asked his fath e r to go to Sun­ day School. The fath e r answered, “ I can’t read, my son.” “B u t our teacher will teach you,” answered th e boy. He “Come and Dine.”— Jno. 21:12. ‘‘Come and D rink.”— Jno. 7:37. “ Come and Buy.”— Isa. 55:1.

went, learned to read, sought and found th e Saviour, and a t length became a Colporteur. Years passed on and th a t man had established four hundred Sun­ day Schools, into which five thousand children were gathered. T hat boy, be­ cause he followed Jesus, was the means of his fa th e r’s salvation and of perm it­ ting five thousand children to attend Sunday School. v. 29. Behold th e Lamb of God. We must first look a t Jesu s as th e Lamb of God before we can follow Him as our example.— Torrey. John was th e tru e h erald of th is age COMMENTS FROM — th e d a y of MANY SOURCES “ grace and tr u th ” K. L. Brooks — “ th e day of salvation.”— P an­ ton. In Christ the Lamb of God, John says, is th e rea lity of which all th e cere­ monial sacrifice is the symbol.— Expos. Gr. Test. The beholding th a t John en­ joins is no passing glance. The word indicates a p en etrating look which searches the object to its depths.— Godet. As th e Lamb of God in atoning sacrifice, Jesu s made p ropitiation for sin (1 Jno. 2 :2 ; Matt. 20 :28 ; 2 Cor. 5 :21 ; Gal. 3 :1 3 ), and on th e ground of ' th is p ropitiation sin is taken away, re­ moved from th e sinner a s . far as the east is from th e west (Ps. 103:12; Lev. 17:21, 22 ), bu t while the death of Christ avails in th is way for all men, believer and unbeliever, it fully avails only for those who accept it. ( l'T im . 4 :1 0 ).— Torrey. T ak eth away th e sin. H ere we see th e work of th e Lamb; in Rev. 5:12, th e worth of th e Lamb and in Rev. 6:16, th e w rath of th e Lamb.— P ickering. Notice th a t the word “ sin” is in th e singular number and used to m ark the collective burden and th e all-embracing efficacy.— J. F. & B. A man may go to heaven w ithout health, w ithout riches, w ithou t honors,

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