“T h y Word Is T ru th” “To th e law and to th e testimony,; if they speak n o t according to th is word, it is because th e re is no lig h t in them .” (Isa. 8 :2 0 ) “F o r many deceivers a re en tered in to th e world, who confess n o t th a t Jesus Christ is come in th e flesh. This is a deceiver and an an tich rist. * * * “Whosoever tran sg resseth , an d abideth n o t in th e doctrine of Christ, hath n o t God. H e th a t abideth in th e doctrine of Christ, h e h a th bo th th e F a th e r and th e Son. “If th e re come any u n to you, and b ring n o t th is doctrine, receive h im n o t in to you r house, n eith er b id h im God-speed. “F o r h e th a t biddeth him God-speed is a p a rta k e r of h is evil deeds.” (2 Jo h n 7-11). A G ILT EDGE INV E STM EN T— Less than Two Cents a Week Will you favor us with less than two minutes of your time, while we present a matter of vital interest to you and to us? We are living in the most solemn hours of the world’s history. We are Christians —true believers in God’s Holy Word. The great majority of professed, Christians are ignorant or indifferent to the conditions confronting a lost world. Everything that we can do to help them, we should do. We can all do something by putting facts into their hands. We cannot stem, the tide; no orie can; for “ IT IS WRITTEN!” But we can save something from the wreek, and encourage some believers to stand in the “ faith once for all delivered,” and encourage some:believers to lives of devotion in these last days. How can this something be done? By co-operating with us in a sim ple plan. You believe that The King’s Business is true to the Word of God; is helpful to the lives of those who read it; that its words of Warning apd messages of comfort and instructions, are owned of God. You must know that it costs us more: to publish it than we receive for it, (which is less than two1cents a week); that there is no commercialism connected with it, and, if any profit ever does accrue from it, it will go into the distribution of Testaments and Gospel literature. We want you to pray for a moment just now and ask the Lord to guide you, and then we want you to seeure for us one or more subscriptions. We are not going to buy your interest in this by offering you a premium of any kind. We think you would rightfully resent that. We are talking about real, important, definite service for our Coming Lord! You can perhaps subscribe for some friend, or some acquaintance in whose life you are interested. You may be,moved to subscribe for a num ber of copies,, to be sent to some missionary or pastor who needs it.
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