King's Business - 1919-10

936 g reat and etern al bond, th a t it owes to you its first knowledge of th e Saviour. — Maclaren. Andrew th rice brings o th ­ ers to Christ. Peter, th e lad w ith the loaves ( 6 : 8 ), and c e r t a i n Greeks (1 2 :2 2 ), and excepting Mark 13:2, we know scarcely anything else about him. John has given us a key to his char­ acter.— Plummer. Many a man who is eloquent before a large congregation is dumb before . a single individual.— ’ T rumbull. He who would no t be his b ro th er’s keeper would be his b ro th er’s butcher.— Bennett. Christ does n o t say, “ Go and address g reat m u ltitudes,” but “Go and preach the Gospel to every crea­ tu re .”— Brookes. v. 42. H e b ro u g h t him . Some of you are too starched up to ever bring anybody to Christ.-—McNeill. He will never go to heaven who is content to go th ere tak ing no one else w ith him. — Sel.

T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S were walking along th e road or street? Today we are to have a story telling us how two men found BEGINNERS something very nice AND PRIMARY indeed as they were Mabel L. M errill w alking along a road n ear a river. Let us bow our heads and ask Jesus to help us have a rea l good tim e while we h ear th is beau tifu l story. P rayer. Lesson S to ry :— In our sto ry today we see two young men w alking along a road n ear th e R iver Jo rdan . The nam es of these young men are John and Andrew and they are friends. BEGINNERS They meet a friend AND PRIMARY and while th ey are Mabel L. M errill stopping to t a l k w ith th is friend they

F ind ing th e B est F riend . John 1: 29-51. Memory Verse: “Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.” Jno. 15:14. Approach: I wonder how many of you ever found something nice as you see ano th er man w a l k i n g , and th e friend of John and Andrew told them to look a t th e man w alking for He was th e Lamb of God. John and Andrew never said a word, for they had heard how God was going to send Jesu s down into th e world, and when they saw th is man and heard th a t he was th e Lamb of God, they were very anxious to know more about Him, and they sta rted to follow the man who was called th e Lamb of God. Now Fo llov /irvjg irv the path th a t his M aster has trod

^ T o l l o W

Unpopular Sonfes qf this day 1. Follow,Follow- I will follow Jesu s. 2 . Keep step wilh The M a s te r A I'll where you w a n t me tojgo H. He Le-aof&lh me .5.Onward Christian soldiers.

I'm fallino 'v A t r if le short I but I’ll,*«-* there by V M

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