King's Business - 1919-10


T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S children whom do you th in k th e Lamb of God was? Yes, it was Jesus. Jesus h eard some one walking b eh ind Him, and He tu rn ed around and asked John and Andrew w hat th ey wanted. How very happy John and Andrew m u st have felt to have Jesus speak to them , and they answered Jesu s calling H im Mas­ te r. Now w hat do you th in k they asked Jesus? They asked H im where He lived, and th en Jesu s said: “ Come and see.” Do you th in k they were afraid ? No, I do no t th in k they were afraid th e le ast bit, and we know th a t was th e loveliest walk th ree people ever h ad as John and Andrew walked along w ith Jesus, for they h ad found th e best friend in all th e world, when they found Jesus. As they talk ed w ith Jesus and He w ith them they knew He was th e Lamb of God, Jesus, th a t had come into th e world to be a Saviour, to tak e away all our sins. When we really come to know Jesu s and love Him, we try to b ring others to know Him, too, and Andrew rig h t th e next day found his own b ro th er P eter and b rough t him to Jesus, and so P eter also found th e best friend when he found Jesus. Now John and P ete r not only found Jesu s but they took Him as th e ir best friend, and we know how much Andrew though t of Jesus, for he w ent rig h t afte r his b ro th er Peter. Sometimes people say they are friends when they are no t real tru e friends, b u t do you know th e re is a way by which we can know when peo­ ple are tru e friends. Really tru e friends love each other, and when we love a per­

son we ju st like to do things for them , and are always glad to do w hatever they ask us to do, T h at is ju st w hat Jesus tells us in our memory verse for today. Now listen and I will say it over to you a few times and then you can say it a fte r me. “Ye-are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.” You see if we do th e things Jesus has asked us to do, th en we are really His friends. He has asked us all to come to Him and be His children, and if we are his chil­ dren we will always w ant to do the things He has asked us to do. We will love Him, and th a t means we will not w an t to do th e wrong things th a t will make H im feel sorry. How many of us w an t to have Jesu s to be our friend? Yes, we all w an t to have Jesus as our friend. (W ith older P rim ary children m ake th is lesson definite, and if they have not accepted Christ as Saviour, lead them to decision.) L et us watch our lives th is week and see if we are really tru e friend s of Jesu s by doing the things He w ants us to do. He w ants us to be kind and loving to all we meet, to be gentle and obedient in th e home, and to always be in Sunday School unless we are sick, or live where th ere is no Sunday School, and th en we can have a fine Sunday School rig h t in our home and invite in other children if th e re are any near. Closing P ra y e r: D e a r Heavenly F a th e r we th a n k Thee- fo r sending us Jesus to be our best friend, and help us to do th e things He w ants us to do.

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S&» OCTOBER 12, 1919 FISHERS OF MEN Golden T ex t:— “ Jesu s said unto them , Come ye a fte r me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.” Mark 1:17. LESSON TEXT Mark 1:14-20. (14) Now a fte r th a t John was put filled, and th e kingdom of God is a t In prison, Jesus came into Galilee, hand: repent ye, and believe th e gospel, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of (16') Now as he walked by the sea of God. (15) And saying, The tim e is ful- Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew his

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