grown to almost 10,000 members, and has been in strum en tal .in closing the b ars in a num ber of hotels and in s ta rt ing many revivals. They are all trav el ing fishers of men. I t Takes W isdom to F ish. A lady in n o rth ern Scotland was anx ious for Dr. Chalmers to ta lk w ith her daugh ter who had resisted every one th a t had approached her about religion. One day they were left alone and he said, “They have troubled you a g reat deal about th e question of religion, have they n o t?” “Yes they have.” “ Suppose I,” said the Doctor, “were to ask them no t to trouble you about religion for six m on th s?” “Well,” and she hesi tated , “ b u t perhaps I m ight not live th a t tim e.” “ Suppose, then we say th ree m on th s?” Still th e young lady trem bled to pu t it off so definitely, for she m ight not live a month. “Suppose we make it a week.” She was fearful to'- p u t it off even a week. “ You are quite rig h t” said th e doctor, “ suppose we settle it now?” He got down on his knees and she followed. Soon she was rejoicing in Christ. Systematic Fishing. Charles Alexander tells of a young fellow who w anted to go w ith th e party and take care of th e tent, black shoes or do anything th e evangelist m ight want. He could scarcely read or write, b u t because of his earnest sp irit he was tak en in. He not only attended to the ja n ito r work of th e tent, b u t proved a most efficient soul-winner. He not only led the most desperate cases among th e lower classes to Christ, but also was used among the cultured and refined. He kept an accurate record of all those whom fie led to C h rist,and in five years was enabled under God to
preaching, teaching, testifying. (9) Sinkers hold th e n et down in th e water;- floats hold it up,— corre sponding to the two opposite tru th s, the justice and mercy of God. F ish ing Unconsciously. “ In 1871, I went to L ivingstone in Africa, as prejudiced as th e biggest ath eist in London,” said H. M. Stanley. “To a repo rter and correspondent, such as I, who had LESSON only to deal w ith ILLUSTRATIONS wars, mass meet ly . H. P ik e ings and political gatherings, sen tim en tal m atters were en tirely out of my province. B u t th e re came for me a long tim e for reflection. I was out th e re away from a worldly world. I saw th is solitary old man there, and asked myself, “ How on ea rth does he stop here— is he cracked or w hat? W hat is it th a t inspires him? F o r months a fte r we met, I simply found myself listening to him , wondering a t th e old man carrying ou t all th a t was said in th e Bible.” “Leave all things and fol low Me.” Seeing his piety, his gentle ness, his zeal, his earnestness and how he w ent quietly about his business, I was converted by him, although he had Two traveling salesmen were assigned to th e same room in a crowded hotel. One had th e courage to read his Bible before retirin g and ask his room -mate if he was a Christian. Out of th a t ex perience grew a desire to find a way by which Christian trav elers m ight recognize each other, so these two men, John Nicholson of Janesville, and Sam H ill of Beloit, invited some traveling friends to m eet them . The organization of Christian traveling men started , called “The Gideons,” which has since not trie d to do it.” T raveling F isherm en .
bring twelve hundred to Christ. Even Boys andi Girls Can Fish.
A profane man, while shaving, in flicted a sligh t wound. He ejaculated th e single word “God.” H is little girl came to him and said, “Papa, is Dod
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