King's Business - 1919-10



W h at is th e explanation, of His au tho r­ ity?-—Maclaren. If we have bu t the h ea rt to serve Christ, He will surely employ us, and if He have any special service for us, He will g ran t us special guidance and power. (Acts 8 :2 6 ).— Chapman. F ish ers of men. If we do not catch men we are in danger of los­ ing even th e desire to catch men.— Sel. Our Lord did not call disciples to cultivate men b u t to catch them .— Sel. Any organization in th e church th a t does no t m ake for th e catching of men for Christ is a fungus growth.--—Mor­ gan. Many are busy w ith church work b u t how many are fishers of men?— Shaw. It takes no more tim e to ask a man abou t his soul th a n his health b u t it will require more love and prayer and holy ta c t and soul wakefulness to do it w ith profit, and these th e fisher of men must have.—Brengle. Jesus calls fishermen to catch men alive.— Rice. v. 18. They followed Him. W hat a blessed ven tu re it proved to be. A leap in the d ark bu t it tu rn ed ou t to be a leap into the ligh t forever.—H unter. The fishermen did not lay aside th e ir nets bu t changed them .— Dummelow. v. 20. He called them . He chose four simple fishermen to begin the work of converting th e world. This does not mean He p referred ignorance to educa­ tion b u t th a t ch aracter is of far more account th a n culture. There was much in th e p atien t endurance necessary for the fisherman’s calling th a t was a good train in g for the work of an apostle.— Camb. Bible.. God m ust love th e com­ mon people or He would not call so many of them .— H unter. L eft tjieir fath e r. Jam es and John evidently had more to leave th a n Simon and Andrew, for hired servants indicate th a t Zebedee was well to do, yet in each case all was left. To follow Christ is a call super­ ior even to p aren tal claims.— Camb. Bible.

F ish ers of Men. Mark 1:14-20. Memory Verse: “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matt. 4:19. Approach: I am going to show you a picture th is morning, and you are to tell me w hat the people are doing. (Show picture of a fishing scene.) Did any of you ever go BEGINNERS fishing w ith some AND PRIMARY big folks? Then Mabel L. M errill you all know w hat , it means to go fish­ ing, and I presume you like fish to eat? I am glad y 6 u know about fishing, for we have a story about some fishermen today. P rayer. Lesson Story: One day a long time ago when Jesu s was living down here on earth He took a walk down by the sea shore, and as He was walking along on th e sandy beach He saw two men in a boat. (If living inland it m ight be well to give children some idea how ’ th e beach would look, and tell them abou t th e fishing boats.) These two men were b ro th ers and w hat do you sup­ pose they were doing. I will tell you w hat Jesu s saw these men do and then some of you can tell me w hat th e men were doing. (To older prim ary chil­ dren I would give th e names of the men P eter and Andrew his b ro th er.) Yes, they were pu tting a big n et out in the w ater to catch fish in. These two men made th e ir living by catching fish every day and th en selling the fish. Some of you will rem ember th a t Jesu s had met these men before when Andrew w ith a friend w ent to see the place where Jesus was stopping when Jesus told them to come and see and they stayed all n igh t w ith Jesus, and then you re­ member Andrew went and found his b ro th er P eter and brought him to Jesus too. As Jesu s: stood w atching these men and saw w hat good fishermen they were He spoke to them and told them if they would give up th e ir fishing and

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