King's Business - 1919-10



Me and I will make you fishers of men.” As soon as these men h eard Jesu s speak, they came to shore, got ou t of th e boat and followed Jesus. These men all came and followed Jesus rig h t away. Dp you know Jesu s is saying to every one of us here th is morning, •“Follow Me and I will m ake you fishers of men.” Boys and girls are th e best little fishers I know, for they can g et o ther boys and girls to come to Sunday School b etter th an we big folks can. Every tim e you bring ano th er boy or g irl to Sun­ day School or church you are a little fisher. Let us all go fishing th is week and see if we can bring a rea l live fish, th a t is a boy or g irl w ith us next Sun­ day morning, and we will count and see how many fish you catch. Closing P ra y er: Dear Lord Jesus we th a n k Thee for asking us to be fish­ ers for boys and girls, and help us to bring some boys and girls next Sunday. If th e apostles had continued in Jerusalem un til all its citizens were converted, they never would have planted a church in Sam aria or any­ where else.

come and be His disciples, th a t is be His special friends and follow Him,, He would m ake them fishers of men. Now by being fishers of men Jesu s m eant to go and te ll men about Jesu s and his love and g et men to give up th e ir sins, th a t is doing th e th ing s th a t were wrong, and follow Him, th a t would be a far g rea ter work th a n catching fish, fo r then they would be catching men instead of fish. Boys and girls ju st th in k w h at a w onderful th ing it is when a person is b rough t to khow Jesu s and love Him, for Jesus forgives all th e ir sins and helps them every day. A per­ son is w orth a g reat deal^more th a n all th e fish. When these men saw Jesus standing on th e shore and h eard w hat He said unto them , they drew in th eir net, rowed th e boat into shore and went With Jesus. As they walked along a little fa rth e r they came to ano th er boat w ith some men in it fishing, and Jesus spoke to two of th e men in th a t boat who were b ro th ers also, and He said th e same words to these two men. I will say th e words and th en I w an t you to say them afte r me, for th is is our memory verse, and it is one of the most beautiful verses in th e whole Bible, so we w ant to rem ember it. “Follow

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