King's Business - 1919-10



OCTOBER 19, 1919 JESUS IN PETER’S HOME Golden Text: “ Jesus said unto him , This day is salvation come to this house.” Lu. 19:9. BESSON TEXT Mark 1:29-39.

(29) And forthw ith, when they were come out of the synagogue, they en­ tered into the house of Simon and Andrew, w ith Jam es and John. (SO) B ut Simon’s wife’s m other lay sick of a fever, and anon they tell Him of her. (31) And He came and took her by the hand, and lifted her up; and immedi- . ately the fever left her, and she m in­ istered unto them . (32) And a t even, when the sun did set, they brought unto Him all th a t were diseased, and them th a t were possessed w ith devils. (33) And all the city w as gathered to ­ gether a t the door. (34) And He healed many th a t were sick of divers diseases, It was th e Sabbath Day and th e Lord had been in th e synagogue teaching th e people and healing th e demon-possessed m an; exercising His BESSON au th o rity over Satan. EXPOSITION Leaving th e synagogue T. C. H orton they entered P e te r’s house for d i n n e r , where He worked ano th er m iracle by healing P e te r’s w ife’s mother. Outline: (1 ) THE DELIVERANCE FROM DIS­ EASE. (2 ) THE DESTINY OF THE LORD.. (3 ) THE DESTINATION OF THE LORD. (4) THE DELIGHT OF THE LORD. (5) THE DECISION OF THE LORD. (1 ) The Deliverance from Disease. We have here an incidental reference to P eter th a t is well worth noting.- He was a m arried man, whose wife was living, and th is fact is attested by Paul in 1 Cor. 9 :5 : , “Have we no t power to lead about a sister, a wife, as well as o ther apostles, and as the b reth ren of th e Lord, and Cephas?” If, as the Roman Catholic church con­ tends, P eter was th e first Pope of Rome (although th ere is no proof anywhere th a t P ete r ever saw Rom e), why does th a t church forbid its priests to m arry? H ad its priests been allowed to marry,

and cast out m any devils; and suffered not the devils to speak, because they knew Him. (35) And in th e morning, rising,up a g reat w hile before day, He w ent out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed. * (36) And Simon and they th a t were w ith Him followed a fte r Him. (37) And when they had found Him, they said unto Him, All men seek for Thee. (38) And He said unto them , L et us go into the next towns, th a t I m ay preach there also: for therefore came I forth. (39) And he preached in th eir synagogues throughout all Galilee, and cast oùt devils. th e v irtue of tens of thousands of women would have been saved, and hun­ dreds of thousands of children would have been saved from a fatherless life. This home scene is a b eau tifu l one— so n atu ra l, so home-like! Coming from church w ith Jesus and Jam es and John as guests, Simon P eter and Andrew find P e te r’s w ife’s m other sick and anon they tell the Master. Luke calls it a “ g reat fever.” (Luke 4 :3 8 ). Jesus shows His sympathy and power by tak in g her by th e hand and healing her. The demons departed a t th e sound of H is voice, and th e fever fled a t the touch of His hand, and th e doorstep of P e te r’s house becomes a h ealth hos­ p ital for all kinds of helpless people. Note th e order here: (a) They to ld Jesus. T h at is good. Tell Him everything. Tell H im of your fau lts and failings. Tell Him of your sins. Tell H im of your needs. Tell Him about your sick friends. Tell Him about your unsaved friends. T h at is th e first step, always. T alk to Jesus. He loves you and He loves to hear your story and your h e a rt’s desire. (b ) Tell o thers abou t Him. Some­ one undoubtedly ran off and told about th e healing in P e te r’s house; about thè wonderful Man who was there, and th a t

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