King's Business - 1919-10



th e re is a people anywhere who have never known the story of God’s love, th e re is a call for testimony. (4) The Delight of th e Lord. “T h at I may preach.” The h e a rt song of Jesus was “ I de­ ligh t to do th y w ill.” (Psalm s 4 0 :8 ). He loved to declare the message; to preach th e Gospel. He delighted to m anifest th e love of H is F a th e r God to men; to assure them of His desire to give them life and hope; to give them victory over sin and Satan. It gave the Lord pleasure to open th e eyes of th e blind; to heal th e lepers; to bring back th e dead— b u t it was a deeper joy to speak peace to troubled souls; to forgive sin; to open eyes to sp iritual scenes; to give life to dead souls; to bring into captivity to His F a th e r’s will those whom Satan had bound. We read th a t “ He w ent th roughou t every city and village preaching and showing the glad tidings of th e king­ dom of God.” There is no g reater joy for hum an lives th a n th e privilege of preaching, teaching and testifying to perishing souls th e good news of re­ deem ing love. The early church was the joyful mes­ senger of salvation. “They w ent every­ where preaching the W ord.” W h at a wonderful message is th e Gospel! How gladly should all th e servants of the Lord bear testim ony to the saving power of H is life! (5) The Decision of th e Lord. “Let us go.” The Lord Jesus was anxious to be at it. He was moved by th e constraining power of love. He was moved w ith compassion. He saw the people as sheep w ithout a shepherd. Before Him rose th e vision of the masses of help­ less, dying hum anity. “Let us go,” He said. Let nothing hinder th e move­ ments of th e compassionate Christ. He w ants to go, bu t He w ants them to go w ith Him. “Let u s go.” He identifies

th e disciples w ith Himself. He goes w ith them . Whoever goes fo rth to carry the Gospel message goes not alone. It is a common service. His Master shares w ith Him. He shares his tem ptations, trials, dangers, fail­ u res and successes. We are co-workers, fellow-laborers w ith Himself. “Let us go.” Here is also an invi­ tation. He is going, and He invites us to go w ith Him. He will slip His arm into ours, and be off w ith us. W hat condescension is this! “Let us go.” Here is pleading also. How sw ift His feet to find th e needy! How it will pain Him if we h esitate, if we hold back; He leads us on, He calls —-let us go! W hat a Leader! W hat conquests aw ait us! L et u s go! PRACTICAL POINTS (1 ) Let th e Lord of Life live in your home. (2 ) Disease departed from H is pres­ ence and th ere was health in the touch of His hand. (3 ) W hatever H e wills, is a work well done. (4 ) The world is a hospital filled w ith weary, sin-sick souls. (5) The purpose of His life was the preaching of th e Gospel. (6) Christ came to ea rth th a t He m ight carry us back to Heaven. (7) The parish of the preacher must include th e rem o test regions. (8) We never go alone; we go along w ith Jesus. “Let us go.” (9 ) L et us say it; let us sing it; let us m ean it— “Where He leads me, I will follow .” Christ’s Pow er In a Home. A man rose in a meeting some years ago and gave th is testim ony: “ I was a foolish infidel, and my work was buy­ ing and selling horses. My wife had

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