heals, “ adultery, fornication, unclean ness, lasciviousness, idolatry, w itch craft, heresies, variance, emulations, w rath , seditions, heresies, envying, m urders, drunkenness, revellings and such lik e.” Pow er Is Of God. It is said th a t one gramme of radium could lift 500 tons one mile high. But when you th in k of th e lifting power of Jesus Christ, it is more marvelous th an this. I t lifted Saul of T arsus out of m urder. I t lifted Je rry Macauley out of being an E ast R iver thief. It has lifted thousands from a life of shame like Delia, the blue-bird of Mulberry Bend, and Nellie Conroy. I t lifts from hell to heaven, from a sot to a saint. The low-caste Hindoos of one genera tion who become Christians are greatly uplifted socially and educationally; and in th e next generation th e same; b u t in th e th ird generation they dispute lead ership w ith th e B rahm en, th e h ered itary aristocracy of th e land, so w rites Bishop Olden. Well may Christianity say to India, Give me th e hum blest and lowest of your sons and daughters and in fifty years I w ill p u t th e ir descendants on a level w ith B rahm en p riests and high- class pundits. The Gospel of Christ is th e power of God unto Salvation. v. 29. E n te re d house. Jesu s exer cised both a public and p rivate m inistry. Bodily diseases as well as sp iritu al ail ments are w ithin th e sphere of our solicitude. Be philanthropic as well as s p i r i t u ally COMMENTS FROM minded.— P ark er. MANY SOURCES There were many K. L. Brooks. homes in th a t city where Jesu s was needed b u t only one into which He was invited. It always pays to invite Jesus into your home. (Matt. 25:37, 40, 44). Jesu s would have been h u rt if P eter ran afte r a doctor instead of first coming to Him.— Torrey.
been bed-ridden
for years. had given
W. H. P ik e
hopes of h er liv ing b u t a few
days longer. I drove up in fron t of the house and th e door was opened so she could look from her cot, th rough the door, and see a new horse I h ad ju st purchased. I drove away in a few min utes and my wife tu rn ed h er head tow ard the wall and said to herself, “ I guess I shall never go ou t again.” Then something seemed to say to her, “Why don’t you tru s t Me to heal you?” She said, “ I will, Lord” and instantly she w^s healed and walked to th e kitchen and asked the housekeeper to get h er clothes. They urged h er to go back to bed, b u t she insisted th a t she was healed. “ I drove up in abou t an hour, said th e man, and found her standing on th e steps all dressed and she said, “Husband, I am ready to go for a ride now.” I said, “W hat has happened?” She said, “The Lord has healed me.” I repented rig h t th e re and gave my h ea rt to God. T h at was eigh teen years ago and h ere sits by my side, the little woman, whom God raised up and th rough whom I was converted.” “The healing of His seam less dress Is by our beds of pain. We touch Him in life’s th rong and press And we are whole again.” A Modern Cure. In th e London Times th is case of healing was mentioned. A t th e Char ring Cross Hospital was a p atien t w ith a rodent cancer of th e nose. It had been unsuccessfully trea ted by th e X-rays. Then th e doctors allowed four exposures to radium . In th ree weeks th e diseased p a rt was healing well and in six. weeks a fte r two fu rth e r expos ures, the cancer had disappeared com pletely alm ost m iraculously, as it seemed -—no t leaving even a visible scar. This is wonderful, bu t th e Divine Radium
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