King's Business - 1919-10



F ou rteen in th e en tire Gospel.— Rice. This tells us th a t the servant, though th e Son of God, walked in complete dependence on God His F ath e r. P ray er is th e expression of such dependence. Independence in service for God is a snare th e very sp irit of Satan.— Anno. Bible. If He thu s retired to be w ith God before He entered upon th e work of the day, can we wonder th a t we fail so much in outw ard labor who fail yet more in th is intim acy w ith our F ath e r? — Kelly. The preaching which kills is prayerless preaching. Nothing is so dead as dead orthodoxy. P reachers who are g reat th in k ers m ust be th e g reatest of prayers or else they will be th e g reat­ est of backsliders. The praying which gives color and ben t to ch aracter is no hu rried pastime.— Bounds. L ittle pray­ ing is worse th a n no praying. It is a make-believe, a salve for th e conscience. — Sel. When we contemplate th e pray­ ing Christ we realize most fully His hum anity. A lthough His hum ility, His obedience, His prayer, reveal to us most clearly His hum anity, showing us th a t He lived by faith and th a t th e perfec­ tion of His hum an ity consisted in liv­ ing by th e F ath e r, yet we can never lose sigh t of H is divinity. H is prayers on earth were a m anifestation both of His prayer afte r His exaltation and of His prayer before He was incarnate.— Saphir. v. 39. P reached in th e ir synagogues. The Lord Jesus made use of the organ­ ized churches for th e giving ou t of the tru th , regardless of how cold tney were religiously.—K. B. . js§ Jesu s in P e te r’s Home. Mark 1:21-34. Memory Verse: “ Jesus of Nazareth , who. went- about doing good.” Acts.»,! 0; 3.8. ■... | Approach: (P ictu re la st Sunday’s sto ry by object or picture, and let the children tell it as a review .) Make it plain about these four men being the

special friends of Jesu s or H is disci- pies. Older prim ar- ies can learn the nam es easily. Peter,


Andrew, John and Jam es. (This is a good tim e to teach th e song, giving the names of th e disciples. The first verse as follows: Jesu s had disciples twelve, And the Bible tells th e ir nam es; F irs t th e fishers four He called, P eter, Andrew, John and James. Lesson Story: In our story today it is th e first day of th e week, th e Lord’s day, or Sunday, and Jesus and His four friends or disciples are together, and I believe you can guess w here they went on th is day. Of course they w ent to church, and when the people saw Je su s come in th e church they asked Him to preach, and th e people all listened and said it was a very wonderful sermon. Of course it was w onderful for it was Jesu s H imself th a t was preaching to them . A fter th e service was over in th e church Jesu s w ent home w ith Peter, for P eter had told Jesus th a t some one in his home was very sick. The one who was sick was th e m other of P e te r’s wife, and she was very sick, too. Jesu s went to th e bed where the woman was lying so sick, took her by th e hand and lifted her up, and th e fever th a t was m aking her so sick left her rig h t away, and she was able to get up and get din­ n er for them , and we know how Very happy they all were in P e te r’s home to have th e dear grandm other well again when she had been so sick. You see Jesus had called these men who had been fishers to come and follow Him, and now He is show ing them it was all rig h t to do good things on th e Lord’s day or Sunday. He showed them how to do by doing the th ing Himself. First) we saw He w ent to church, and we who are here in Sunday School th is morning are doing w hat Jesu s would have us to do. He set the example, th a t He went

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