King's Business - 1919-10



kind of belief in God and the Bible is no good. Two Spheres of T ru st. Two Christian women were talk ing together. One said to th e other, “ I have a very com forting tex t which helps me much, th is is it— ‘W hat tim e I am afraid, I will tru st in Thee.’ Psa. 5 6 :3 .” The o th er replied, “ I have a b etter text th an th at,, ‘I will tru s t and no t be afraid .’ ” Isa. 12:2. Saved By T rust. A medical man, under conviction of sin, was visiting a patien t who was re­ joicing in th e Lord. “Now,” said he, addressing the sick one, “ I w ant you to ju st tell me w hat it is— th is faith in Jesus, and all th a t so rt of th ing th a t brings peace.” His p atien t replied, “ Doctor, I felt th a t I could do nothing, and I have pu t my case in your hands— I am tru stin g you. This is exactly w hat every poor sinner must do to be saved — p u t implicit tru s t in th e Lord Jesu s.” “ Is th a t all,” exclaimed th e doctor, “ simply tru stin g in th e Lord Jesus? I see it as I never did before. He has done th e work on Calvary’s cross and A man in Ireland, convicted of sin, was on th e point of “believing” when th e devil raised th e oft-repeated objec­ tion: “ If you believe, you ca n 't hold ou t.” The w orker pointed to a w ater­ wheel in a m ill nearby and said, “W hat makes th a t wheel go tod ay ?” "The stream .” “W h at will tu rn it tomor­ row ?” “The stream .” The man was led to see th e re is a stream of God’s grace and streng th sufficient for each day’s keeping. “I will tru s t and not be afraid .” During an earthqu ak e th a t occured a few years since, th e inh ab itan ts of a small village were generally very much alarm ed, b u t they were a t the same time surprised a t th e calmness and app aren t joy of an old lady, whom they all knew. At leng th one of them addressing the I tru s t H is finished w ork.” T ru st God’s Keeping Power.

old ■ lady said, “Mother, are you not a fra id ? ” “No, said th e m other in Israel, “ I rejoice to know th a t I have a God th a t can shake the world.” T ru st F ath e r. On a dangerous cliff stood a little company of rescuers planning how they m ight let down someone over th e preci­ pice to search for one who w as'lost, and carry to him th e rope w ith which he m ight be rescued. They w anted to use a little shepherd lad, b u t he drew back unw illing to go un til he saw his fath e r coming, then he said, “Yes, I will go if fa th e r will hold th e rope.” “We need no t h esitate to go down into th e depths of th is world to try and find and save th e lost as long as we know th a t Our F a th e r holds th e rope.” v. 22. Jesu s constrained. In send­ ing th e disciples away, Jesus was send­ ing them into a terrific storm which He of course knew was coming. Today He s e n d s us COMMENTS FROM away from the MANY SOURCES place of quiet K eith L. B rooks and refreshm ent to meet th e mid­ n igh t storm b u t we are absolutely safe in th e m idst of the storm .r—Torrey. John gives a p articu lar reason for the h asty breaking up of th e assembly, be­ cause th e people were about to make Jesus king (Jno. 6 :1 5 ), to avoid which He imm ediately scattered the people and sent away the disciples lest they should join w ith them .— Henry. v. 23. W ent a p a rt to pray. We are very disposed to pray up to our suc­ cesses and cease to pray in them . We become practical atheists in th e m idst of our successes. Unless I become clos­ eted w ith God, I shall be lifted up in most destructive pride. Though Christ as God was Lord of all and was prayed to, yet Christ as man had the form of a serv an t and prayed.— HeUry. When the disciples go to sea, th e Master is at

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